Transforming Through Stillness: How Meditation Nurtured Patience, Compassion, and Presence Within Me

Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness
3 min read6 days ago

Looking back at my pre-meditation days, I hardly recognize the person I was. Back then, life was a relentless race — a constant pursuit of achievements and external validation. Impatience and frustration were my constant companions, triggered by any deviation from my carefully constructed plans.

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However, through the regular practice of meditation, I have embarked on a transformative journey. Sitting in stillness, delving into the depths of my inner being, has profoundly shifted my perspective and cultivated qualities that once seemed elusive.

The Gift of Patience: In the past, I was constantly rushing towards the next goal, viewing delays and obstacles as personal affronts. Meditation has taught me to embrace the natural rhythms of life, to surrender to the present moment, and to trust that everything unfolds in its own time. Now, I can pause amidst the chaos, take a breath, and choose patience over reactivity.

The Awakening of Compassion: Through meditation, I’ve glimpsed the interconnectedness of all beings. This realization has softened my heart, dissolving the barriers of judgment and resentment. As I witness the ebb and flow of my own thoughts and emotions, I extend that same understanding and compassion to others. I am reminded that we are all on a shared human journey, each navigating our own challenges and striving for happiness.

The Art of Presence: Perhaps the most profound gift of meditation has been the cultivation of presence. Instead of dwelling on past regrets or anxiously anticipating the future, I’ve learned to savor the richness of the present moment. Each breath, each sensation, each interaction becomes an opportunity to fully engage with life as it unfolds. This newfound presence has infused my relationships, work, and even mundane tasks with a deeper sense of meaning and joy.

Meditation is not a magic bullet, and I am still a work in progress. But the seeds of patience, compassion, and presence that have been planted through my practice continue to blossom, enriching my life in countless ways. I am no longer a slave to my impulses, but rather a conscious participant in the dance of life.

The stresses and challenges haven’t disappeared, but I now have a powerful tool to navigate them. Meditation provides a refuge, a place of stillness where I can reconnect with my inner wisdom and find solace amidst the chaos. It is a constant reminder that the true source of peace and happiness lies within, waiting to be discovered in the quiet moments between breaths.

In this ever-changing world, meditation has become my anchor, my constant companion. It has taught me to embrace the present moment, to cultivate compassion for myself and others, and to navigate life’s journey with grace and equanimity. And for that, I am eternally grateful.



Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness

I’m the author of Radiant Bliss: A Transformative Yoga Journey for the Modern Soul. Say hi via email sueyogini (at)