What does film mean to me?

When people go to the movies, they usually are looking for an opportunity to see a big blockbuster film with explosions and be able to eat buckets of popcorn. For me, the film going experience is so much more than that. It is the opportunity for stories to be told to in a magnificent way that is unlike anything else. Movies and film are some of the most creative works made because they project our dreams and imaginations onto the big screen. The script, direction, acting, and production visuals are some of the most important factors that fall into making a great film.

Brett McCracken of Relevant Magazine says “movies take us to places we’ve never been and inside the skin of people quite different from ourselves. They offer us a window onto the wider world, broadening our perspective and opening our eyes to new wonders.”

Whether you’re wiping tears from an emotional drama, or from a comedic masterpiece, movies have some sort of magic way to connect with audiences. It’s hard for me to have an absolute favorite film because I am always finding something new that is great, and there are still no creative and powerful films coming out every year.

Independent film maker Kyle Smith feels that “movies have the power to put us in situations and worlds that we would never know, and allow us to experience stories that highlight things outside our own limited experience.” For me, I like films that want me to think smarter not only on the story, but how it can relate to the outside world. A great example of this is the film Interstellar. While many critics did enjoy the film, many found that it was too complex for the average movie goer, and actually noted a trend from the film’s director, the great Christopher Nolan. The film deals with relativity and space travel and some viewers found it too much to take in. I love this approach from Nolan though because it does make me think more on the external issue the film presents. What if our planet is slowly dying and we need to find a way to have the human race survive? It keeps us thinking and asking questions after. The film tries to make us smarter thinkers.

It’s hard for me to remember the first film I ever saw, but the first film I remember seeing that got me into loving movies might have been the very Star Wars. Yes, it may be a typical first film for young kids to see, but I think it means a lot more than that. Even when the original film came out nearly forty years ago, people in the theaters were in even more awe because they had never seen a film this revolutionizing. It opens a door and makes you think at a young age; how can this be created so well? I think the best films are the ones that fully resonate with us. After we walk out of the theater we are still talking and thinking about what was displayed to us. Even after that we still enjoy discussing it.

Overall, the main power that film has for me, and I assume others, is to be enlightened by the characters and story that are presented. While the film industry may have some flaws about its future,which will be discussed in a further article, classic storytelling is the key to keeping film in its majestic form.

