Why I Chose Canada?

Sajith Mendis
Moving to the North
4 min readMay 20, 2020

Currently, there is a hype in immigrating to Canada, not only among the developing countries but all around the globe. It has turned out to be a trend, and a lot of people apply without having a correct picture of what they are getting in to.

Is Canada as good as they say? Can anyone live there and adapt to Canadian culture? All aside, can YOU adopt to this place, and call it your home?

This is something I have been pondering.. over a hot cup of coffee…

Photo by Nathaniel Bowman on Unsplash

Though I thought about it I couldn’t come up with much since I don’t know it myself, as we don’t live there (hopefully, for the moment) but this is all the information we have found from those who have experienced Canada. This is the details we have based our decision to move to Canada on.

Three things come to my mind when I think of Canada, the cold white winters, massive land areas and the oh! so pretty red Maple leaves.

In reality, there is much much more to Canada than just snow and Maple syrup. Now for the facts and figures.

  • Canada is Massive — The country spans across over 9 million square kilometres, and across 6 time zones, making it the second-largest country, after Russia.
  • The Canadian yellow bear — The popular children’s story, Winnie the Pooh is said to have been based on a bear cub that was sent to the London Zoo, from Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  • World’s most educated country — Canada is said to have over half of its population carrying at least a college degree.
  • The land of lakes — Canada contains about one-fifth of all the freshwater in the world, with 250,000 lakes in Ontario alone.
  • Ranked as the sixth most peaceful country — in the sense that they don’t fight wars over invading countries and they have strict law enforcement.

Fun stuff apart, why did I choose Canada?

  1. Very Immigrant Friendly — Canada seems to be a very humanitarian country, that opens its doors to many immigrants. Therefore, there is a lot of cultural difference across the country, and people get treated fairly.
  2. Good Health Care — Canada provides very good health care for its residents. They have a publicly funded health care system that provides based on the necessity rather than the ability to pay. In simple terms, you pay taxes that come right back to you in the form of free health care when you need it.
  3. High employment rates — Canada has a considerably high employment rate of 26% as of August 2019 (though the scenario is not the same now). In terms of the job opportunities for immigrants, the picture could be a bit different. If you are a skilled immigrant (with education and professional experience ) then you will have a good chance of securing the job you need and to earn a good salary. Nevertheless, various jobs are in demand in different regions of the country. If you follow a different approach to get Canadian PR, you can use the JobBank to land a job, which works for most people. You can create an account with JobBank once you have started to apply for Canadian PR, and start your job hunt. Another very effective platform that most people might be familiar with is LinkedIn.
  4. Good Education — Canada was ranked the 3rd best country for education in 2019. With its public and private funded educational institution and being the world’s most educated country, Canada might be the best place to raise your kids with a good education.
  5. High Living Standard — Overall, Canada has high living standards; from fresh air to good food, to ample fresh water.

When applying for the Canadian PR last year, I looked only for the above reasons. Things might be a little different at the moment with COVID coming into play. Nevertheless, I do hope that the situation would return to normal and Canda would be the Canada I imagined of before applying.

If you have an idea at the back of your mind to apply to Canada, check out our article on the process that we followed…



Sajith Mendis
Moving to the North

A Software Engineer with a new found passion for writing about anything other than software Engineering…