Brave Girls & Goals

Conquering a new thing requires a tribe and courage

Lydia Henshaw
2 min readMay 27, 2019


Image courtesy of Pexels

“Always remember, you are braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” — Christopher Robin

Stepping out to try a new thing brings a wave of emotions. It can be exciting because you’re about to explore something you may never have tried or accomplished before. It can be scary because you don’t know what your path will hold. It can be uncomfortable because you are walking forward on ground that may not have a clearly marked path, so … where should you place your foot next? These feelings are valid and they are normal.

In times like this, it’s important to remember four things:

  1. Setting a goal is the first step. By setting a goal, you begin to paint a picture of what you want to do or where you want to go. The goal doesn’t have to be perfect. What is important is that you are taking the first step and by taking the first step, you’ve begun to create a path.
  2. You will need help. Do you have a tribe? Who is in your tribe? Where do you go when you need help? Tell them about your goal. Tell them that you will need their help and that you cannot do this alone. Talking about something you’re about to do when you’re unsure of the success of it can make you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. It’s okay to need help.
  3. You will need courage. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. If you are frightened by your goal, you’re in the right spot! All you have to do to get started is to take the first step.
  4. You will succeed! By gathering courage and trying something new, you’ve already won. Taking the first step and setting out to accomplish your goal will shape you in ways that sitting on the sidelines never will.
Images courtesy of Deluxe Mindset and

What goal will you set today?



Lydia Henshaw

Chief Product Officer // 2X Exited Founder // Investor // Advisor