Candace Amber Owens Farmer-Conservative Commentator

R-E-D P-I-L-L: Candace Owens’ ‘Right-Wing’​ Moxie

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs


You might have taken note of a fresh young face while scrolling through your Facebook feed.

It’s the lovely face of a young Black woman. Her gaze is intense, and her eyes are blazing. She’s got something she wants to say, and your friend really wants you to hear it.

“The media DOESN’T want you to hear this!” their post says.

You’re a little intrigued because your friend has had a lot to say lately about civil unrest and the Black Lives Matter movement, and none of it has been complimentary. It seems strange to you that your friend would choose to amplify the message of a young Black woman.

But that fresh young face belongs to Candace Owens, and she is one of the darlings of the conservative movement. If you take a few moments to watch and listen to her, you won’t hear a message that aligns with the aims of the #BLM movement. You’ll instead hear quite the opposite. She gleefully dismisses claims about systemic racism and insists that liberals want to keep Blacks dependent and marginalized. In Owens’ view, systemic racism is a myth perpetuated by the left…



MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs A multimedia platform that gives an intimate look into the courage, character & defining moments of today’s most inspiring individuals