Iñaki Pérez
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2018


2018 has died, long live 2019

These are days to recap and see the year that is going out. As usual, this year has not be like the past years in the running of the life of Ayla Searching and as a consequence, in mine too.

But this year has not be like other years and the changes of this year have not been like other years‘ changes. My professional life (and as a consequence, my personal life, too) has gone through a very important change. I have always had the idea of opening up to other countries, other different cultures and other different ways of understanding enterprises and business in general. This has been the year of that change, without a doubt; this has been a “dangerous” year to live… and I love it.

I have had to live with all the uncertain situations that I thought that I was able to live with. I have learned more in the past year than in the previous decade. I’ve been living in unpredictability since February and it’s still ongoing,… and I’ve been happy,… and worried too, to tell the truth.

This is what I’ve been looking for for the last few years. Personally, technically, emotionally: without a doubt, it has been the year of change. I’m proud of myself, I’m proud of my closest friends, and I’m proud of my colleagues at my new home, Cocoon projects, the organization I have been looking to work for all my professional life.

I have met incredible people, teammates who have taught me like nobody else for as long as I can remember.

And here comes 2019,… the definitive year, the year to change my life. This is the last step towards the organization that I’ve been looking for. Obviously, this is not the perfect organization, and there are a lot of things to change and to improve — that’s clear to me and to all of us. But it is possible and all of us (I love to say “us”) think that it’s necessary, and we will work together in the direction that all of us have elected.

We will do a lot of good and great things, we will help a lot of organizations to evolve, and we will evolve too, obviously; otherwise, it would be a contradiction itself. The ohana has grown and we are part of it and I’m proud of it. I hope to have an incredible 2019, and I hope that in the last days of the next year, I’ll get to talk to you about the best year of my professional life, for sure.

It will be a happy new year ;-)



Iñaki Pérez
Editor for

Entrepreneur, in love with people and teams in organizations. My goal is to learn every day. I love the Basque Country and I am happy anywhere in the world