Living Cocoon Pro

Iñaki Pérez
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2022

In many ways, Life in Cocoon Pro is like the life of any living organism, whether it is a forest or a company…

When you look at it from afar, you get an overview, but it is easy to miss details… colours, smells, sounds. However, when zooming in, stopping by, reflecting, thinking, feeling, and sharing it, you begin to make visible what was previously invisible.

The nuances that make each organization unique and, at the same time, a unique experience for each person in that organization, finally appear.

So, would you mind zooming in and taking a closer look at what life in CP looks like? Here is our invitation.

During the latest Cocoon Pro’s Jam, a group of us — some long-run Cocooners and some newcomers — decided to reflect on the meaning of living in this last generation organization. We took off for a deep journey into the way we live this human system, explored our different perspectives, and used our collective intelligence to make sense of the sometimes apparently contradictory ingredients of complex human experiences. . This article intends to share what emerged in this conversation with you and our guess is that, in essence, much of it will resonate with you.

This is where we started:

  • It’s complexity & different perspectives
  • It’s fears & trust
  • It’s sharing purpose, identity, and values
  • It’s freedom and contribution
  • It’s accepting your vulnerability
  • It’s intense
  • It’s love
  • It’s generating opportunities
  • & so much more…

You know, complexity embraces it all

Chapter 1:

For sure, living Cocoon is to live inside a living system. If there is a place in which you can feel the power of a human system when its full potential is unleashed, probably this is the one. . You can unlearn, you can deeply feel, you can interact, you can understand and you can misunderstand, suffer and enjoy, lose and find yourself, feel pains and have gains, and live the uncertain in a deep way.

Chapter 2:

To live in Cocoon is to live in real life. Even if it is a place in which you are committed because you are aligned with the principles and the values of the organization, the bottom line is that every one of us is an individual, a different person embedded in a wider frame. So, like in any living system, you learn every day because of the spaces of interaction and because of the coexistence of different people. There are a lot of beautiful possibilities to live and grow in this human organization.

Chapter 3:

Thriving in uncertainty is an amazing, challenging path to better yourself and to grow with others. Living in the complexity of a system, of a human system, is something very difficult to explain if you have never experienced it. For those coming from the mainstream way of work and organizing work, it’s a whole mindset and worldview perspective’s transformational process.

Chapter 4:

To really play with your own freedom is not a habit that you have if you are used to living and working with XXth century organizations. When you realize that all it’s on you, probably fear can start playing in your mind, but the relationships with others start changing, your learning curve increases exponentially and trust acquires a totally different meaning. The values, the identity, your identity in relation with the identity of others and in relation with the identity of the organization itself is a very intense and beautiful trail that can help you thrive in a trans-contextual environment; it is a discovery development that makes you the same person you were before and another person at the same time.

The wider perspectives that you are able to see, to understand… or not, the capability to live and surf in complexity make you a different human being and make you live differently in your personal and professional paths.

Chapter 5:

A newbie perspective: Living Cocoon Pro is about feeling you are entering a sacred soil of possibilities, being challenged out of your comfort zone. And as you do, you embrace your own vulnerability, accepting to unlearn, learn, let go of expectations, and definitely not to understand. So, if you are wondering, yes, it is an intense experience from day one, as being free to find the spot that suits you and where you can contribute to the organization comes with an unprecedented responsibility. It is also the kind of intensity that comes along when you immerse in complexity, where fears melt down into trust. Entering this space you immediately realize Cocoon Pro is about a community of people that chose to walk the path of the evolution of human systems. Living Cocoon Pro is about focusing on what I care about the most, connecting to a fulfilling shared purpose. And you know what? It is fun.

Chapter 6:

Actually, one of the things that might have struck you at first is the climate of empathy and acceptance in which Cocoon exists: you really have the strong feeling of being part of a system, a human system. You feel cared for and seen and, in return, you feel the immediate push to give all of this back to the ecosystem.

You really feel, probably for one of the first times in your life, like regardless of where you come from, what you have done, and where you have been, that you have value and you can contribute with this value to Cocoon.

You have the clear feeling that trust, a sense of community, empathy, and love are the values guiding this journey.

After walking and exploring this unknown territory, suddenly you can realize that the strong bond that connects you with this place is love. Love for every single human part of this marvelous system and also for the whole system, where you can see the power of collective intelligence that allows us to achieve amazing things.

Because, despite all the obstacles that you can find as a person in this singular ecosystem, you love these amazing, freaky, and unique people with who you share values.

We hope you enjoyed this ride with us.

This article has been co-created and written by a team of beautiful people from Cocoon Pro:

Giorgia Carloni / Karitte Alegria / Adriana Racca / Giulia Cacciutolo / Iñaki Pérez



Iñaki Pérez
Editor for

Entrepreneur, in love with people and teams in organizations. My goal is to learn every day. I love the Basque Country and I am happy anywhere in the world