Getting ready to submit awesome proposals for MozFest 2019

Sharing best practices between newcomers & returning facilitators

Mozilla Festival
2 min readApr 9, 2019


A photo of two MozFest attendees playing Jenga with blocks labeled with internet health topics, mozfest18–5596_30639869207_o CC BY-NC by Connor Ballard-Pateman

It’s time to plan another MozFest and everything is possible! This year’s festival will be the tenth — a momentous occasion for reflecting on where we’ve been and where we’re going in the movement for internet health.

To broaden the inclusivity and reach of participants’ contributions to the internet health movement, we want to make it easier and more inviting than ever to propose a session for MozFest 2019. It’s our hope that by providing additional facilitator support during the submission process, more people will feel invited to participate, be confident in their submissions, and have an increased likelihood of being accepted.

Will you support newcomers and returning facilitators by sharing your MozFest wisdom?

Specifically, we’d love to know how you might help people:

  • Connect their sessions to the festival’s theme, experiences, and space descriptions.
  • Connect their sessions to internet health.
  • Make their sessions more accessible, inclusive, and inviting.
  • Make their sessions more active and participatory.

Our plan is to

  • Gather advice from our community in April.
  • Hold office hours to co-create a guide for writing awesome MozFest proposals in May.
  • Publish the guide before MozFest call for proposals (CFP) opens in June.

We’ll hold office hours in May for anyone interested in contributing more advice or writing the guide together.

Right now, you can participate by sharing advice:

Thank you for all your contributions to the festival and the movement for internet health. We can’t wait for MozFest 2019!

Feedback, questions, or suggestions? Please let us know by email, on Gitter, or on Twitter @mozillafestival.



Mozilla Festival

I teach for the users. Opinions are mine; content is ours.