A Comprehensive Guide :Creating Your Own Free FTP Server and Mastering Upload/Download with PHP and HTML

Kartikey Bhatnagar
Mozilla Firefox Club VIT Vellore
7 min readSep 27, 2023

Are you struggling with file transfers in your web applications, or do you want to enhance your server’s capabilities for efficient data exchange ? Implementation is the key!

In today’s digital age, where sharing files is an everyday necessity, the term FTP (File Transfer Protocol) might sound like a complex tech jargon. But in reality, it’s a simple and practical solution designed to make file transfers between servers and clients easy.

Think of FTP as the specialized courier service for digital files, much like we have dedicated vehicles for specific tasks in the real world.

In this guide, we’ll break down FTP in plain language and show you how to create your own FTP server for free.
Let’s demystify FTP and dive into the world of Sharing Files and Creating Your Own FTP Server for Free.

Unlocking Seamless File Transfer with FTP :

To achieve effortless file transfers between your web services and local machine, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the key. You only need two essential components to get started:

  1. FTP Server: Harnessing the power of FTP begins with an FTP server. Fortunately, many shared hosting platforms come equipped with an FTP server, making it as simple as creating an FTP account.
    It’s like setting up shop in a bustling marketplace — straightforward and hassle-free. If you’re looking for more control, you can opt for a dedicated server like Google Cloud or AWS, where you’ll need to take the additional step of installing an FTP server. However, don’t be intimidated; this process is more manageable than it might seem.
    For our demonstration, we’ll be using the free services provided by ByteHost.
    With “Host” , “Username” & “Password” , we can access any of the FTP server files and can upload/download from it.
  2. FTP Client: On the other side of the equation is the FTP client. In our case, we’ll create a basic HTML page with download and upload buttons. The real magic happens behind the scenes, courtesy of a PHP script that handles the heavy lifting.

Setting Up a Free FTP Server: Step by Step

-Visit byte host and sign up for free hosting. Fill out the registration form and await an email verification.

-After successful signup you will receive an email verification mail from Bytehost , don’t forget to check your spam folder.

-After verifying your email, you’ll receive login details. Save them locally for reference.We will be using these details later to set up the FTP connection.

Access the Control panel URL, which will lead you to the vistapanel login page.
this will take you to the vistapanel login page

-Use the Control panel username and password (as provided to you earlier) to login in your cPanel.

your cPanel will looklike this after you will logging in.

Find your FTP server login details under “FTP Accounts.”

Upon completing these steps, you’ll have three essential connection details:

  • FTP Host Name
  • FTP Username
  • FTP Password

Using the three above details we can download/upload from/on our FTP server.

Now we have successfully set up our own free FTP server and gathered all the necessary connection configuration details. Next, let’s manage our server using the “FileZilla.”

What is FileZilla ?

FileZilla is a free and open-source, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Clients are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Both server and client support FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).

So let’s upload/download files to our server using the FileZilla

Download & install FileZilla client.

Open the FileZilla Application.

Your site-manager will somewhat look like this
configure your site manager as shown in the picture below
you can use the same connection details that were provided to you by byte host as shown in the figure ….
to establish a successful connection.

after a successful connection you will be able to see the root directory of your remote site and the files present there!

on the local site column you can find your files present on your local pc. You can easily upload/download by dragging files from one column to another i.e. from your Local site to your Remote site or vice-versa.

For e.g.. imagine i want to upload PhP folder present in my test_docker from my local pc to my server , i can simply drag and drop it to my desired location. For this e.g. i’ll be uploading to the root directory i.e. “/”.

This successfully completes our Filezilla tutorial , now let’s learn to upload/download files to/from server using code.
You can use any backend language to do the same, here in the example below I am using PHP and HTML for creating a basic UI for users.

Access the FTPdemo Repository

We have prepared a practical demonstration of how to upload and download files from an FTP server using PHP and HTML. You can access the complete project files and resources in our FTPdemo repository on GitHub.

FTP demo repository

Setting Up and Using the Project

To set up and use the project, follow these steps:

1. Clone the Repository

1.Visit the FTP Demo Repository on GitHub.

2. Click the “Code” button and select “Download ZIP” to download the project as a ZIP file.

3.Extract the ZIP file to your preferred directory.

2. Install XAMPP

Before running the project, you need to have XAMPP installed on your system. XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package. You can download and install XAMPP from here.

3. Copy Project Files to XAMPP htdocs Directory

1.After extracting the project, you’ll find two main folders: ftp upload and FTPdownload.

2.Copy the entire ftpdemo folder to your XAMPP htdocs directory. By default, the htdocs directory is located at C:\xampp\htdocs on Windows.

4. Start XAMPP

  1. Start the XAMPP control panel and ensure that the Apache server is running.
  2. Access the project in your web browser by navigating to:

5. Configure FTP Server Details

To use this project with your FTP server, you’ll need to modify the FTP server credentials in the PHP files:

For Uploading (upload.php)

  • $ftp_server: Replace with your FTP server hostname.
  • $ftp_username: Replace with your FTP server username.
  • $ftp_password: Replace with your FTP server password.

For Downloading (download.php)

  • $ftp_server: Replace with your FTP server hostname.
  • $ftp_username: Replace with your FTP server username.
  • $ftp_password: Replace with your FTP server password.
  • $download_dir: Set to the directory path on your FTP server where files should be downloaded from.

6. Use the Project

You can now use the project to upload and download files to/from your FTP server. Refer to the project’s HTML pages and PHP scripts for instructions on how to perform file transfers.

Feel free to explore the project and use it as a reference for FTP file uploads and downloads using PHP.

By following these steps, you can access, set up, and use the ftpdemo project for learning and practical purposes. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to refer to the project’s GitHub repository for assistance or you can contact me directly.


Congratulations🎉, you’ve just embarked on a journey to master the art of file transfers between your web services and clients! In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the process of creating your own free FTP server, setting up efficient file uploads and downloads, and even introduced you to the world of web application file management.

From understanding the significance of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to harnessing its power for seamless file transfers you’ve gained valuable insights. You’ve also learned how to create your own FTP server for free, thanks to platforms like ByteHost.

But we didn’t stop there. You’ve also been introduced to the concept of FTP clients allowing you to create a basic user interface with HTML and perform file transfers efficiently using PHP scripts. We even took a step further by exploring FileZilla, a versatile FTP application that enhances your file management capabilities.

So, go ahead and explore the FTPdemo project in our GitHub repository, put your newfound skills to the test, and make your web services file transfer-ready. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to refer to the project’s GitHub repository for assistance, or feel free to contact us directly.

Empower your web services, streamline your file transfers, and embrace the world of efficient data exchange. Happy file sharing! 🚀📂

