Cyber Security: An emerging tech topic in 2020…

Shaunak Sensarma
Mozilla Firefox Club VIT Vellore
4 min readAug 2, 2020

29th July 2020

What is Cyber Security?

The exponential development of the Internet interconnections has prompted a noteworthy development of digital assault occurrences frequently with awful and shocking outcomes. Malware is the primary choice of weapon to do vindictive goals in the internet, either by abuse into existing vulnerabilities or use of interesting attributes of rising innovations. The improvement of increasingly creative and powerful malware protection components has been viewed as a critical prerequisite in the cybersecurity network.

Why cyber-attacks flourish?

It is because digital assaults are less expensive, advantageous and less unsafe than physical assaults. Digital crooks just require a couple of costs past a PC and an Internet connection. They are unconstrained by topography and separation. They are hard to personality and indict because of mysterious nature of the Internet. Given that attacks against data innovation frameworks are appealing, it is normal that the number and complexity of digital attacks will continue developing. Cybersecurity worries with the comprehension of encompassing issues of various digital assaults and devising protection systems (i.e., countermeasures) that save classification, uprightness and accessibility of any computerized and data advancements.

By looking at security developments over the past couple of years, it is possible to forecast what is likely to happen in the cyber landscape over the next 12 months. Forewarned is forearmed. These are what I believe will be the main trends of cybersecurity in 2020:

Ø The rise of artificial intelligence (AI)

As AI continues to be used as a proxy for crime, it will also be used to accelerate security responses. Most security solutions are based on detection engines built on human-made logic, but keeping this up-to-date against the latest threats and across new technologies and devices is impossible to do manually. AI dramatically accelerates the identification of new threats and responses to them, helping to block attacks before they can spread widely.

Ø Enterprises will rethink their cloud approach

Detection is no longer enough to ensure protection, and prevention is now the key to being secure. Organizations already run a majority of their workloads in the cloud, but the level of understanding about security in the cloud remains low; in fact, it is often an afterthought in cloud deployments. Security solutions need to evolve to new, flexible, cloud-based architectures that deliver scalable protection at speed.

Ø Development of Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT endpoints are going to boom as connectivity increases. These devices may operate in homes, offices, or factories and require numerous security mechanisms to prevent breaches and lateral movement exposure. In some cases, single IoT endpoints with a vulnerability have been undisclosed for far too long, letting hackers feast while the issue is covered up. Other flaws have allowed a single endpoint to compromise an entire family of endpoints. Either way, to prevent massive breaches and incredibly destructive botnets, these endpoints require hardening and the information they store require protection.

Ø Email security will prove to be the weakest link in election security.

Email is implicated in more than 90 percent of all cybersecurity attacks, and election infrastructure is vulnerable to email-based attacks. This means email security must be a priority for thwarting interference with the 2020 presidential election. However, research shows the majority of U.S. states are overlooking this vulnerability. Only 5% of email domains associated with local election officials across the U.S. have implemented and enforced DMARC.

Ø Ransomware Makes Coronavirus Worse

Last year we saw ransomware taking on big industries and also governments and healthcare facilities. Bad actors are taking things to the next level through collaborative partnerships. Brace yourself for attacks that are more intensive and a new modus operandi. Instead of just encrypting your data, bad actors are now also threatening to sell it or disclose it. It seems that cybercriminals also value the ability to multitask, and they are now extorting even higher ransoms. As the Coronavirus crisis drags on, we can expect them to intensify their attacks on vital service providers. Robust ransomware protection is more critical than ever.

Ø Companies Will Guard Our Data More Zealously

Move over Bitcoin; data is the new cryptocurrency of choice. Data’s value is far less volatile, and there is a ready market for it. As a result, attacks on companies will continue to intensify. Private companies of all sizes will need to up their cybersecurity game. A significant danger here is the migration of many companies to a remote working model. When the Corona crisis is over, many companies will likely adopt this model on a more permanent basis. Firms must ensure that their workers have access to secure online communications and devices.

2020 has already been a bumpy year. Buckle up — we will see some nasty firsts in cybercrimes this year too. It’s not all doom and gloom, though. Cybersecurity firms have taken up the challenge and will come up with some firsts of their own.

-Shaunak Sensarma.



Shaunak Sensarma
Mozilla Firefox Club VIT Vellore

Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. My main areas of interest lies in Data Engineering and AI Analytics.