The World of Ethical Hacking

Navigating the Thin Line Between Good and Evil

Mozilla Firefox Club VIT Vellore
6 min readMay 31, 2024


The security of digital information is more important than ever when it comes to a lot of businesses and individuals that can’t live without it. We welcome you to the fascinating and important world of ethical hacking, which helps to protect our digital lives. However, what exactly is ethical hacking and why does it matter so much?

What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking — also known as penetration testing or white hat hacking — involves lawful breaking into computers and other devices in order to assess an organization’s defenses. Unlike malicious cybercriminals, ethical hackers use their skills defensively by identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by criminals.

In cybersecurity, ethical hackers are vital. They emulate attacks on networks, systems, and applications for the purpose of discovering security vulnerabilities. In doing this, they help organizations strengthen their defenses against real threats.

The Ethical Hacking Process

Ethical hacking is a structured process that usually incorporates the following phases:

1. Reconnaissance:
Information gathering about the target system

2. Scanning:
Finding open ports, services and possible vulnerabilities.

3. Gaining access:
Taking advantage of identified weak points to get into the system.

4. Maintaining access:
Ensuring permanent presence in the system to imitate a continuous attack.

5. Analysis and Reporting:
Detailing findings including discovered vulnerabilities and suggestions for rectification.

Process of Ethical Hacking

Types of Ethical Hackers

Ethical hackers can be placed into categories depending on their strategies or motives:

1. White Hat Hackers:
These ethical hackers use their abilities to help organizations increase their security systems. Their actions are legal as they have permission from organizations involved in the activity.

2. Black Hat Hackers:
On the other hand, black hat hackers capitalize on weaknesses for ill-intentioned aims like data theft or even interfering with service provision.

3. Gray Hat Hackers:
They exist between white hat and black hat hackers’ realms breaching systems sometimes without permissions but not for malicious reasons either; they might reveal the vulnerability to an organization concerned or publicize it.

Types of Hackers

Why Ethical Hacking is Important

1. Weaknesses Identification:
Organizations are enabled to detect security flaws before these can be taken advantage of by malicious hackers, thanks to the ethical hackers.

2. Regulatory and Compliance: Ethical hacking ensures that companies in numerous sectors meet severe security standards. It also ensures compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS regulations.

3. Preventing Data Breaches: Ethical hackers have an important role to play in reducing the risk of data breaches which have significant financial implications as well as damage to reputation.

4. Trust Building: Consistent testing for security issues and improvement builds trust with consumers, partners, and other stakeholders.

Becoming an Ethical Hacker

If you want a career in ethical hacking, here are some steps that you can follow:

1. Education: Have a good foundation in computer science or information technology related fields like networking programming and operating systems.

2. Certifications: Some of these certifications include Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), CompTIA Security+ etc.

3. Hands-On Experience: Enhance your skills on Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions or bug bounty programs or online labs that help you experience real-time situations without harming any system.

4. Stay Updated: Cybersecurity is a fast changing sphere; therefore it is necessary to keep up-to-date with new threats, tools and methods by following

Ethical Hacking Tools and How to Use Them

1. Nmap (Network Mapper)

Purpose: The primary use of Nmap is for finding out live hosts in networks and auditing security issues. It helps in identifying live hosts, open ports, and services running on those ports.

How to Use Nmap:

Basic Scan: To discover live hosts on a network.

nmap -sn

Port Scanning: To find open ports on a specific host.

nmap -p 1-65535

Service Version Detection: To identify the versions of services running on open ports.

nmap -sV

OS Detection: To determine the operating system of the target host.

nmap -O

2. Metasploit Framework

Purpose: Metasploit framework is a powerful tool that provides the capability of developing and executing exploit code against some remote target machine which gives it an extensive database of known exploits.

How to Use Metasploit:

Start Metasploit:


Search for an Exploit: Look for an exploit module by name.

search vsftpd 2.3.4

Select an Exploit:

use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor

Set Exploit Parameters:

set RPORT 21

Run the Exploit:


Interact with the Session: If the exploit is successful, it opens a session.

sessions -i 1

3. Wireshark

Purpose: Wireshark is the world’s foremost network protocol analyzer which is widely used for analysis, development and troubleshooting traffic on network.

How to Use Wireshark:

Capture Traffic: Begin capturing packets from a network interface.

  1. Open Wireshark.
  2. Choose your network interface
  3. Press the shark fin icon to begin capturing.

Apply Filters: Apply display filters to concentrate on particular traffic.

  1. Example: To filter HTTP traffic, use: http
  2. Example: To filter traffic from a specific IP, use:

ip.addr ==

Analyze Packets: Click on single packets to review what is inside.

Follow Streams: Right Click on the packet, and select follow TCP Stream to see the conversation between two endpoints.

4. Burp Suite

Purpose: Burp Suite is a comprehensive platform for web application security testing. It includes tools for scanning, crawling, and exploiting web applications.

How to Use Burp Suite:

Browser Configurations : Set up your browser to use Burp Suite as a proxy.

How to Intercept and Tamper Requests

  1. Open Burp Suite and go to the “Proxy” tab.
  2. Click on “Intercept” and turn it on.
  3. Configure your browser’s proxy settings to use Burp’s proxy listener (usually

Traffic Interceptor : HTTP interceptions (requests and responses).

  1. Navigate to the target web application using your browser setting.
  2. The Burp Suite will capture all the traffic and show it in the “HTTP history” tab.

Spider the Website: Discover content and functionality automatically.

  1. Navigate to the “Target” tab and right-click the target in the site map.
  2. Select “Spider this host”.

Active Scanning: The process of using scanners to identify the vulnerabilities of the target.

  1. To scan it, right click on it in the site map, and click “Scan”.
  2. Scan tab would show you the review findings.

Intruder: Use automated tailored attacks.

  1. Navigate to the Inruder tab, highlight the target positions and setup payloads.
  2. Launch the attack and detect weaknesses in the results


Ethical Hacking is one of most required part for cyber security at present. Ethical hacking enables organizations to establish and correct vulnerabilities before cyber criminals can destroy them. With cyber threats constantly changing, the need for professional ethical hackers is only expected to rise, and this coupled with the numerous perks of the career has made it an exciting and fulfilling line of work for tech enthusiasts and security lovers.
Ethical hackers are the unsung heroes who actually puts skills to good use so that the digital world can be made safer for everyone.

