A city without Network: Jammu

Vishal Sharma
Mozilla India
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2019

What is it all about

Jammu and Kashmir is a union territory of India locked in Himalayan Mountains and one of the best places for making memories and travel. But there is something else is also going which is known by everyone but nobody is taking step towards solving the problem and problem is no-network or we can say no internet. We are not against the government but I want to share something which makes me bit frightened about the future of Jammu and Kashmir.

Life without the internet

On 26th October I was on my way to my hometown, after the revocation of article 370. We all were happy about the steps that were taken by the government, but consequences were faced, like the internet was jammed in Jammu and Kashmir, even in some of the areas under high alert there was no network. When I crossed Punjab and entered Jammu there was no internet and it was bit funny because I could not go online putting up the status on Instagram rather I enjoyed the beauty of Jammu at that particular period of time but at the same time, I was not aware of what was going on around the world. The closer I reached my village which was in Rajouri district I almost lost my mobile signal, and this was not the first time it was happening with me, this happens every year. But when I was going through serval security check point’s of Indian army it made me a bit concerned about the security of my state. At the same moment, I was not able to contact my family because of the jam. When I reached the village it was an emotional moment for me because I was meeting my family after about a year and mainly after the revocation of article 370. I have not seen them, not even in video calls for a long time. When I reached home I turned on the television hoping to get some news but then my brother my told me due to bad weather there was no signal and sometimes it continues for a week. We were dealing with the electricity failure since Independence in the whole district and in that particular moment of time I was thinking about how half of my village doesn’t even have a television & how they are getting news and information about what is going in our country and what about the status of education in my village and more

Then the next day I visited my village school and met with my childhood teachers where they told me, due to the political strikes schools were closed for months and we were lacking in completing the syllabus and even we were not able to provide better education as per need of the current time. The problem is not that I was not aware of all these things, I was aware, even the whole country is aware but we are not aware that there is no other option, there is no backup and we are neglecting those small kids who are the future of our country and this was happening from the time of Kargil War or maybe even before that. Then when I discussed with those teachers, they said that the government was trying to sort the things but somehow and somewhere we have to pay for this, but still we have positive vibes and we’re looking forward to it. With my true heart, I can say I love their spirit but still at the same time we can’t neglect the problems. After this when I returned to the college, ISI leader is no more, India lost there 1st ever T20 against Bangladesh in the cricket history and lot more & I truly feel just 5 days and I missed out this much in my education, knowledge and a lot more but my state who was suffering through this for a long time what about them. Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family & we should look after this. Information and education is everyone’s right and we should come together and try to make a better future for our country.

I am a permanent resident of Jammu & belongs to an Army family, I am travelling through different cities since my childhood but this is something about my hometown which I want to share with you.



Vishal Sharma
Mozilla India

An enthusiastic public speaker, storyteller & Computer Science Engineering