Run for Mozilla Rep Council

Vote for Irvin

Irvin Chen
Mozilla related
2 min readApr 8, 2018


Hi Rep,

I’m Irvin, volunteer and rep mentor, from East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.

I’d join Rep since spring 2013, the very beginning of the program. I’d been Mozilla volunteers even longer, as early as 2004, since my first year in college.

We all feel that the internet is so important to keep healthy, and Mozilla plays a significant role. We all want Mozilla to be strong and great. We dedicate our time for it, and Rep program can help us to do our best.

That’s why I’d like to run for Rep council.

There are no perfect projects, and I believe sometimes you also feel as difficult as I do on rep program, and on Mozilla. I feel less motivated, unclear directions, helpless issues, and we’re losing so many people, recently.

I believe that, we can fix the problem, by making Rep not only Representative of Mozilla, but also the representative of Mozillians.

My first proposal, is to start a quarterly periodic survey for Rep, to understanding our ideas of Rep program, and our feelings of Mozilla projects.

As the core contributors, we can be the funnel for Mozilla to understanding our volunteer, more and deeply. We can become the bridge between the volunteers and paid-staff.

We can help volunteers to be heard and understood, we can start a more frequent communication, help engage each other, reduce problems, and strengthen the whole community.

Please vote for me on Rep council elections. If you have any questions, please ping me on Telegram Mozillians and Rep channel, or directly reply to the video.


Please do also check my answers to the nominee’s QA —

