SUMO MozPizza 2017

Support Mozilla Brazil
2 min readDec 22, 2017

On November 15th we had our second SUMO MozPizza in Brazil, an online event aiming to bring friends together helping SUMO initiatives like KB l10n, Forums and Social Support while enjoying a nice slice of pizza.

The event was held one day after the release of Firefox Quantum, so the main goal was to localize articles affected by the new update. Thanks to Vesper (SUMO admin), we had a compiled list of all of them. Also, we were expecting a lot of activities in the Forums and Social Support.

Thiago Policena and his awesome square pizza

This time we gathered on SUMO Brazil Telegram group to coordinate our activities. At the end of the event we had 37 articles translated or/and reviewed. We had 50 interactions in Social Support and all questions in the Forums were answered.

A couple of things could have made the event better, and definitely should be seen as lessons learned. First, the date was probably not a good pick, at first it seemed a good idea because Nov 15th is a national holiday in Brazil, but it turned out to be bad, mostly because a lot of contributors enjoyed the day off. So, out of a 10 expected attendance we had 3 contributors involved.

Nevertheless, we had an amazing time together and even tough we couldn’t achieve 100% of articles translated metric, we achieved the social interactions metric and forum questions answered metric.

