On the Road: Making it in NY

The Developer Roadshow returns to make the web look fabulous

Sandra Persing
Mozilla Tech
2 min readMar 29, 2017


We made it to NY this time with no storms and not much drama. And this was #13 on our program! Superstitions, debunked.

Mozilla Dev Advocate Jen Simmons set up shop at General Assembly to deliver a 6 hour plus session to over 120 developers, designers, and creators for the web. We were all there to learn how the new CSS Grid Layout property, now on all major browsers, revolutionizes web page layouts.

An awesome community of devs and designers on an early Saturday morning General Assembly

To address this significant moment of cross browser support for CSS Grid Layout, we modified the original Roadshow format — casual, short evening talks- to a full day mini conference. The morning focused on several topical presentations and the afternoon included a hands on workshop sessions. Several breaks were included, and that allowed the audience to network and connect with each other through the entire event, rather than wait til the evening networking time. And Q&A was peppered throughout the entire program to keep the audience constantly engaged. Several attendees also tried out the lessons onsite and took advantage of asking questions directly to Jen.

Find Talks by Jen Simmons presentations here

Jen Simmons is explaining some great CSS stuff and inspiring folks to build great websites

More lessons learned from this modified Roadshow:

  • Learning about CSS makes people hungry — having a flexible caterer to be able to bring more food was a lifesaver!
  • Whether it’s 10 or 100 people, every event is a production — having a staff onsite helped the content stay on track.
  • Projectors that have old lamps won’t show the layout examples, so piping through AppleTV worked!
  • Periscope works and the audience is online! But we need microphones to get our audio working better.

Final musings as I reminisce on this past weekend: The NY I grew up in the 90s seems no longer to be the NY I visit these days. It’s too clean, it’s too structured. Long time favorite restaurants and shops are now gone. NY is where I grew up, where I spent my early days, but I can’t call it home anymore. Still, it’s always about the people, and to grill BBQ w good folks makes every flight miles worth the pain!

Always better w BBQ! Myles Borins Chrys Wu and John Lee joining me for a bite or three

Happen to be in Atlanta, Columbus, Ohio, and Chicago soon? Check out our latest Roadshow series.



Sandra Persing
Mozilla Tech

Global Strategist, Redefining DevRel | Advisory Board Member, Women Who Code| CoFounder of DevRelSummit Group | Views are my own