Elevated Heels

One simple trick with major benefits.

Alex Taylor
MPC Fitness App
3 min readMay 4, 2019


If you follow us on Instagram, you will notice that our MPC Fitness regimen occasionally calls for your heels to be elevated during a workout.

There are a number of benefits from elevated heel workouts, but our MPC Fitness professionals often recommend this when other parts of the body are hindering your ability to perform effectively.

There are three main parts of the body that benefit from elevated heels during your routine.


Tight calves are a problem plaguing many individuals.

Factors like dehydration, lack of stretching, and even improper footwear can lead to tight calves, which in turn effects an individual’s ankle mobility.

With limited ankle mobility your range of motion decreases, and with it your performance plummets.

Elevating your heels allows for a better range of motion, negating that problem.

It also helps with depth compared to when you’re flat footed.

Tight calves are not ideal, but with elevated heels you can begin to mitigate the problem.


Another benefit of elevated heels is better knee stability.

Most knee problems are directly connected to a weak Vastus medialis muscle (VMO).

Elevating your heels during a workout trains the VMO, which is the part of the muscle at the front of the thigh.

With a trained VMO, your knee becomes more stable and is less likely to buckle under immense strain and pressure.

It will also give you a stronger base, allowing you to lift heavier weights.


Finally, elevating your heels increases the focus of the workout on your quads, helping with lower back issues.

By ensuring your torso is upright, the quads end up picking up the bulk of the strain, limiting the pressure on your lower back.

A healthier back will increase your overall flexibility, and will directly lead to better form and posture throughout your routine.

And speaking of flexibility…

Our MPC fitness professionals recommend stretching after every training session to help with flexibility and muscle health.

Stretching after a workout minimizes soreness and acts as a cool-down tactic, allowing your body to recover quickly after your workout.

This will decrease your chance of injuries, make you more flexible, lead to better muscle performance and make you healthier overall.

Join the MPC Fitness program today, and our personal training professionals will begin to help you craft the perfect training routine for your goals.



Alex Taylor
MPC Fitness App

Alex Taylor is an aspiring sports journalist in the GTA. He has written for the SheridanSun, tipofthetower, the athletic tribune, and thefanlife.com.