21+ AI Bursarship Workshop in ICT Meetup V.06 By MPercept Academy

Anuseeya Khadka
MPercept Academy
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2019

MPercept Academy just conducted 3 days, Free AI Bursarship Workshop on the occasion of ICT Meetup V.06 at Prime College, collaboration with Prime IT Club and Prime College supporting the vision of “AI Literacy” creating skilled AI manpowers to upgrade the Nepalese Economy using AI. The three days AI Workshop was targeted to the beginners , AI Enthusiast where the participants were all students. As other workshops of MPercept, this one was focused on kickstarting the career of attendese developing their skills in Python to the basics of Machine Learning mainly focused on Image Processing.

The three days of workshop was a grand success.

The Workshop was focused on AI enthusiasts which showed the results: The Craze for AI. There were participants over than the expected seats. There were 4 mentors with 40 participants in the workshop. Starting from general overview of Python,the topics for Image processing and Computer Vision like NumPy, OpenCV, CNN,YOLO, etc were the highlights of the workshop. All the participants were distributed certificates by the Prime College. Along with that Our two Speakers from MPercept Mr. Ashis Parajuli,our Director of Technology as well as Mr. Raju Mandal,our Director of Academy gave insights about AI Market as well as how to start a Career in AI.

The team behind making this workshop a successful one. CHEERS TO THEM!!

