Integrating Discord and JIRA through Webhooks

Sulabh Shrestha
MPercept Academy
Published in
Jul 1, 2020


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

Have you ever wanted to get notifications from JIRA on your own discord server. Then you have come to the right place. I will guide you to connect your JIRA board with your discord server. Firstly, what is webhook?

Webhook is a way for an app to provide other applications with real-time information. Basically it’s like a notification that comes directly to your other end.

First of all, create a discord server and then click on server settings and then click on webhooks.

Discord Bot Setup Page

Fill up the form (Also add the official image from JIRA). Don’t forget to copy the WEBHOOK URL. The discord part is done now. Now onto the next step.

Now, go to and then paste the url there.

Skyhook Webpage

After pasting the URL select the JIRA option and then click on GENERATE. This part is also done. Now onto the JIRA.

Go to https://[your-company-name] and then paste the URL in the URL.

