Michigan Product Management Club


Neil Gurnani
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2021


Do you feel overwhelmed by product management recruiting? Do you not know where to look when applying for jobs? Do you need guidance for preparing for product interviews? We’re here to help — let’s chat.

Who are we?

My name is Neil Gurnani, and during the past Winter 2020 Semester, I worked with Stephanie Shoo, Jenny Suh, Vineet Parvathala, and Erik Wihlborn on building out what came to be known as The Product Guide , a “a one-stop-shop for all things product, curated just for MProduct Members”.

How are we here to help you?

Upon doing customer research and really honing on why the recruiting resources and Recruiting Dashboard Github Repository weren’t being used enough by our MProduct Members, we realized that the problem isn’t a lack of resources. It’s that members just aren’t aware that they exist.

That’s what we’re here to change. When one of our MProduct members is looking for recruiting help / guidance, the first place they think to go is online resources (Medium, Exponent, HackingPM). But did you know that MProduct has a one stop at The Product Guide that can consolidate all this information for you in an easy to digest format?

Are you looking for a one stop shop for all things PM?

Look no further, the Product Guide is here to help!

  1. Go to the MProduct Member Dashboard on Notion
  2. Scroll Down to Member Resources
  3. Click on The Product Guide
  4. Voila! You now have access to the Product Guide

We’re here to help you learn how you can make the most out of the current Recruiting Resources and use them to break into Product Management.

What free recruiting resources are available to you?

NOTE: Most of the resources are currently located in the MProduct Notion page, inside of The Product Guide which you can access here

There are lots of stops along the product journey:

If you are brand new to PM recruiting:

If you are familiar with PM recruiting, but need guidance on how to land your next interview or project:

To keep track of your personal recruiting journey (view active applications, know what next steps to follow, etc.)

Make use of the Recruiting Dashboard Google Sheet & Github Repository (in the Product Guide), which can be found in two main formats

  1. Github Repository : Users can have all the resources you need at your fingertips in a scrollable “Dashboard” type view

2. Notion Table View: Users can easily “filter” and “sort” the resources to categorize and prioritize resources most relevant to his/her needs

To connect with Alumni who work in roles that you may be interested in

Take a look at these recorded Alumni Spotlights and Alumni Database for Mentorship (in the Product Guide)

To find mentorship, courses, and student orgs to help kickstart your own venture:

Take a look at Starting Up: Entrepreneurship Crash Course at UMich

Take a look at this Medium Article

If you’ve landed an interview and need help preparing:

To learn everything you need to know about interviewing, from types of questions, to sample questions, to example interview walkthroughs

Take a look at the Mock Interview Crash Course

If you’ve landed the job and need to know what to expect or how to decide:

To connect with Alumni who work in roles that you may be considering:

Take a look at Recorded Alumni Spotlights and Alumni Database for Mentorship (in the Product Guide)

To become a more well-rounded PM and expand your knowledge through reading:

Take a look and browse the Drive of Books here

Wrapping Up:

With so many Recruiting Resources available online, we understand it can be quite daunting Navigating the Product Management Process. That’s why we are here to help. We are committed to supporting you through the PM Recruiting Process and being a resource for you all throughout this Product Management journey.

We hope that this article was informative in terms of how to most effectively use The Product Guide and Existing Recruiting Resources for optimal benefit. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

We would absolutely LOVE feedback on these Recruiting Resources, so if you could take 5 minutes of your time to fill out this survey here, we would greatly appreciate it!

We wish you the best with the Product Management Recruiting Journey!



Neil Gurnani
Writer for

Engineer, Full Stack Software Engineer, and Entrepreneur from Ann Arbor, Michigan