Welcome to The Neighborhood!!

Alex Rabke
Published in
6 min readJun 24, 2022
How it started…

We’re so excited to welcome you to our community! We are just 24 hours away from our NFT Mintsale and below you will find a full introduction to The Blocks including:

● An introduction

● Our values

● Information about the team

● Information about the art

● Details on the mint process

Introduction: What is Mr. Block and The Blocks?

Mr. Block is a startup project started by best friends, reunited by a shared passion for the blockchain industry. Mr. Block started in 2019 as an eCommerce brand that led to inspiration for a broader impact by sharing our love for crypto. We’ve now built a community-driven web3.0 brand aimed to educate, onboard and enable the blockchain ecosystem and next generation of crypto participants.Currently we operate an ecommerce storefront for crypto apparel, are building and scaling our crypto knowledge hub app & community and have launched The Blocks by Mr. Block NFT Project

The Blocks is a 3,333 PFP (profile picture) collection for crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike. The Blocks was built with a long-term business and community in mind, “Mr. Block.” Through quality content, creative branding and community education, the Blocks NFT collection is the gateway to our user community!

As a holder of The Blocks NFT, you become a member of The Blocks Neighborhood. The Blocks NFT collection represents a passionate community of education ambassadors for the blockchain ecosystem, up-leveling our own game and ready to onboard and empower new participants into Web3.0 and Crypto.

Bear market, don’t care market PFP preview

Our values

1. Community, above all else

Everything we do is intended to create a sense of shared purpose and encourage greater collaboration. We are fostering a culture that provides a safe space to grow, learn and help others. Our team is community-recruited, from our artist to our operational team, and we take great measures to ensure a close-knit and high quality community.

2. Powerful Art and Narratives

Understanding how society has evolved and expressing this through artform is one of the most effective ways of teaching lessons and learning new subjects. Our art is inspired by early 20th century comic work and our collection was designed by traditional fine artist turned NFT advocate, Blockheady. The art is designed to excite, inspire and unite our community. After all, a rising tide raises all ships.

3. Knowledge

We believe that quality information (knowledge) is what enables independence and, ultimately, happiness. This manifests in the form of financial freedom, access to exciting & productive work opportunities and collaboration with others who share the same values

4. Empowerment

For too long, inequality has existed in society and across history. We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to empower themselves to achieve whatever they set out to do. The problem is that many are not afforded the same opportunities as others. Our goal is to level the playing field by offering an inviting, authentic and informed community experience for The Blocks to exchange thoughts, ideas and opportunities with each other.

The Team

The Mr. Block Foundry is passionate about onboarding new participants to the blockchain ecosystem. It is in our blood to educate, assist and empower our network of friends, family and community through the power of blockchain technology.

As such, the team behind this project ranges in industry experience level but shares a common passion for this exciting evolution towards Web3.0 that is well-underway.

Matt O’Neal a.k.a. Blockheady

Matt O’Neal has been a brand design architect, graphic designer, illustrator and fine artist for nearly 20 years. He has worked with large commercial brands such as Clorox, Dow and Syngenta as well as a bevy of companies in the consumer packaged goods space with special respect to brands that promote healthy lifestyles (Burt’s Bees, Naternal CBD, Tribucha Kombucha, et al). His narrative is one that fits well with Mr. Block.

A relative newcomer into the world of cryptocurrency, he began to hear more and more about how NFT’s could be beneficial to the artist and creative community and he began to investigate.

He first started listening to podcasts, reluctantly joining Twitter and finally attending the DCentral Miami conference in an effort to gain more knowledge on the subject.

It was there that he met up with the Mr. Block team and they quickly aligned on mission and vision. Now here he is — minting his first NFT project and working closely across the various Mr. Block channels.


Crypto Entrepreneur building educational onramp solutions that onboard new users into the blockchain ecosystem.

“When I was 14 years old, I remember doodling business ideas in a notebook after hearing about all the innovation taking place in Silicon Valley. The days of AOL and dial up internet, wondering how the future will unfold. A first generation hispanic male with big aspirations for making a dent in the universe. Fast forward 17 years later I see another opportunity taking place, only this time the opportunity is MUCH bigger, and that’s because of Bitcoin and the blockchain industry that has unfolded.”


Close friends with Blockse since high school, reunited over a passion for blockchain technology and the massive global sea change underway as our society evolves into Web3 paradigms. Rabs a career Sales Professional with diverse interests and a lot of passions including:

  • Bitcoin & the Web 3.0
  • Psychology & Economics
  • Human History & Bibliophilia
  • Music, Arts & Culture
  • Fitness & the Great Outdoors
  • Mentorship & Personal Development
  • Learning New Technology & Meeting New People

The Art!

The Blocks NFTs pay homage to an original cartoon character from the early 20th century that appeared in The Industrial Worker newspaper.

But times have changed! The Mr. and Mrs. Blocks of Web3.0 have a different mission and value system: we are champions of the common person and have evolved into the role as leader and educator in the world of crypto currency. We pave our own path, are self-sufficient, yet highly collaborative.

The Blocks are a beacon for, and champion of, the Mr. Block mission: to be the trusted brand for an authentic and educational experience within the blockchain community.

This genesis collection includes a 10-layer generative art production with hundreds of traits and BILLIONS of possible permutations and some really exciting rarity elements.

In addition, artist Blockheady has hand sketched a series of 1/1s (non digital) that will be sent to those who mint these specific NFTs and provide a shipping location.

The Genesis Mintsale!

Our mint goes live from www.mrblocknft.com and requires a metamask wallet — don’t trust any other url or domain for our mint. Minting will ONLY occur from www.mrblocknft.com and our team will never contact you directly via direct message in Discord. Important note: Users on MetaMask mobile will have to make sure they navigate to mrblocknft.com using MetaMask’s dApp browser. It will not work if you use Safari / Chrome to navigate and then click “Connect wallet.” Support and FAQs are available in our Discord

We have a whole lineup of reward contests and giveaways taking place (over $2k+) with a private DJ who will be entertaining us the night of the mint … let’s have some fun!

We explored multiple chains for this project and decided that this collection will be minted on the Ethereum blockchain in an effort to be most welcoming to newcomers and enthusiasts alike who are likely familiar with Ethereum.

A few details:

  1. Whitelist sale begins Friday June 24th @ 9:00 p.m. EST for .04 ETH
  2. Public sale will begin Friday, June 24th @ 11:00 p.m. EST for .05 ETH
  3. Metadata will be revealed after sell out or Sunday, June 26th evening EST

More Resources

https://www.linktree.com/mrblock has links to all of our resources including:

  1. Mint site
  2. Discord server
  3. Social media accounts
  4. E-commerce store

And more!

So let’s get to it!…

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU to our team and community members. Everything we’ve accomplished so far is because of you and for you.

To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀

How it’s going…



Alex Rabke
Editor for

Sales & GTM Professional. Passionate about evolving business models in high and near-tech. More here: www.alexrabke.com