Coates — Black White Divide

Rodrigo Munoz
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readFeb 17, 2017

When you’re an outsider everyone will look at you in a strange way. The United States is the most racist place from my point of view. What I mean by racist is that people think that know you and can define you very easily based on your race’ history or where you came from.

Once a guy in school was making me feel uncomfortable by making racist comments towards the Latino community. He said that we only come to this country to steal, to be part of gangs, and to be nothing but trash. Obviously I did not say anything, not because I was scared or offended but because he was misjudging and was being ignorant. Not every Latino is a criminal, it is true that are a lot of people that lost their way and got into bad stuff but there is also nice people whom want to take advantage of the opportunities that the US offers. We are all humans, we should be looking at souls and personalities, not at skin color or judging just by the cover. I do not like expectations, they’re just limits. This is a country of immigrants, history support it with evidence, we should be happy that we can meet people from different cultures and learn a little bit of these cultures to know exactly how things really are before making conclusions.

