Coates - Education & Inquiry

Lauren Tang
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readFeb 19, 2017

My formal education has been provided by America’s public education system. My mindset as a student has changed a lot throughout the years. Every transition, from elementary to middle to high school, marked a new phase of my education and through every phase, I held a different mindset. In elementary, I was adapting to American education and was learning the fundamentals that would be necessary for my future education. In middle school, I was not the most motivated student and though I never neglected school, I didn’t take my education too seriously. In high school, I became much more motivated and serious about learning and gaining my education because I thought of the future and the benefits that would come from me staying focused and earning my grades in school.

My most impactful informal learning experiences came from programs that I participated in outside of school. From these activities, I meet new people and learned things that school didn’t teach me. It greatly shaped my mindset and the person I am now. I strongly believe in curious learning and asking questions and these activities allowed me that opportunity, helping me grow and learn more. I had mentors and friends that were genuine in their effort to help and teach me. In college, I believe I will have a similar experience where I will gain my formal education through classes in school and then further expand my horizons with outside programs and activities.

