Coates — Opening Worlds

Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readFeb 24, 2017

When i first came to United States. i was 13 and the first thing is i spend whole summer break to adjust and adapt jet lag. And after a whole summer break i went to school i went to Visitation Valley middle school. In there it is really opened my eye to a new world. It is totally different Educational mechanism of china. It is the first time that i start to having a feeling that i want to go to school In here i can have my freedom of doing anything and at the same time i feel the concern from the teacher that really very care about how feeling of the class how you feeling of the school. And they are doing their best to give help of their own student. I have never feel that in china all i do in china is work work work (homework classwork) and a lot In china teacher will gives you a lot of pressure and punishment to me. They wont give you break they wont’t let you to stop working.They think amount of pressure equal amount of work Grow as a result of this encounter i feel better under this Educational mechanism in the United States.

