Expectations for 2017

1 min readJan 4, 2017


It’s a new year. Not really anything new though. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t magically erase all the bad events in 2016 and people don’t change that easily either. I don’t really have much hope for mankind, but eh.

This year I will do my best not to get hit by any meteorites or fall down the stairs. I would prefer not to die so early in my life because I have tons of things to get done and my procrastination is not helping. I will prepare for any life threatening events by paying more attention to my surroundings…. and pray that missiles, earthquakes, tsunamis, or dangerous people appear at my front door.

I don’t really hope for anything (you really can’t considering everything), but I am expecting more out of myself and there are a few things I’m looking forward to. Sometimes, I wish I could magically understand any language I wanted, but life doesn’t work that way. I am going to work my butt off and you know, do something that is useful. \(-3-)/ Here’s to another year of struggle. Cheers!

