Fourth Estate

Lauren Tang
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readMar 9, 2017

The media and free press plays a vital role in preserving a democratic society. Our country is run by a government, that is, a body of people that governs our society by creating laws and regulating them. Though we do have a fairer system than many countries around the world, we are still susceptible to bad politics such as corruption or ignorance that leads to unfair laws. This is when media and free press come into play and help guide our politicians and people. The media allows for the people to speak up and express their opinions when they believe something unfair has occurred. For example, with Trump’s election to office as President of the US, he has implemented a lot of executive orders and law and made appointments that a large percentage of Americans do not agree with. Having the media allow people to spread the knowledge and bring light to the injustices that are occurring so that more people can be aware and help in fighting against it. Of course, media can also be corrupted but the fact that the right to expression of opinion still exists is what is important in protecting a democracy.

