Gentrification: A problem that affects our foreign cultures

Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readNov 8, 2016

What is gentrification? Gentrification is the act or process of remodeling an urban neighborhood to be more modern and raise the cost of living so people who have a higher salary can live in that neighborhood. This issue affects many areas in San Francisco, and it specifically targets minorities with low income. Gentrification can be seen in the mission and bayshore. There has been rumors that say the mission fire has been linked to be planned. The apartments that were burned belonged to low income families, the whole building was burned. The familes were forced to look for a new place to live, some had to move out the city because it was too expensive. There was a rumor saying that they will be making new apartments in the area that burned down, and the apartments will be a lot more expensive. Situations like this have been going around the city. If you notice, the mission has been going through gentrification, you see a lot less hispanic culture over the years compared to 10 years ago. You can click here for more information about this issue.

