Hopes and fears for 2017

carmen chung
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readJan 19, 2017

2016 has definitely been a fast year but 2017 will past it much faster. My main hope for 2017 is to finish this school year with best scores and graduate with a gold cord. I know that this will be a hard task and I really need to step up my game if i want to achieve my goals. I would have to be really organized, have good time management and also make sure that my drive and motivation lasts throughout the year. My biggest fear for this year is to start college and starting everything over from scratch. I am scared to move on and grow up to do older, harder tasks because I feel like I am not prepared enough; high school went by way too quickly and it just feels like I haven’t learned all that i could yet. I am scared because i feel lost, during all the college visits I felt scared and lost because everything is different and that makes it scary. The change is drastic and I just do not feel ready. I know later on I will get used to it but its the idea of changing. I am hopeful that my first term in college goes well.

