Hopes and Fears of 2017

Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readJan 6, 2017

For this year, I fear that my procrastination might get the best of me. I also fear that if I procrastinate I won’t be able to finish all my work in time and that I will have a bad grade. But most of all, I fear that what I fear is what’s going to happen. But every negative comes with a positive. I hope that this year will be much better than last year. Through whatever ups and downs I will be able to stay positive no matter what. I hope that whatever goals I have for this year I will have the confidence and determination to achieve those goals. I hope that this year I will have a different mindset towards negativity. Think more positive instead of negative.I also hope that each obstacle that come my way I will find a way to destroy it instead of just passing it by like its nothing. I also hope that I will fight and not just give up in the beginning. I just pray to the man above that whatever plans he got for me this year. I will accept it. Whether its a blessing or a lesson. But most of all lets see what 2017 got planned for me.

