Hopes & Fears of 2017

Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readJan 3, 2017

In the year 2017 , I hope to graduate high school and I hope to have a successful future ahead of me. I am willing to experience and learn new things. I want to get highest possible knowledge about a career path that I have not choose yet but Is still deciding of what I would love to do in the future. I want to be a nurse and at the same time I want to be a cosmetologists. I have many knowledge about being a cosmetologists since I do makeup and not so much as being a nurse but I love to take care of others and also communicate. Throughout the whole process of trying to graduate and entering a college as a first year freshmen, I will experience many obstacles along the way. This year, I fear getting accepted to a college far away from home or not getting accepted to a college that I wanted to go. I applied to SF State, U C Berkeley, Long Beach, Sacramento State, Skyline(just in case) and many more. If I do get accepted to a college far away from home, I am going to miss being with my family everyday. In this case, I will need to start driving. I fear not passing my driving test or not being able to drive at all.

