How To Get Through The Last Few Weeks of School

Raz A
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readMay 3, 2016

Seniors, we are so close to the end! Everyone will be parting ways and be moving on to bigger and better things.. or maybe not. Either way, the last few weeks before graduation are crucial and should still be taken seriously.

Here are a few tips to get through the last weeks successfully:

  1. Don’t give up!! You’ve worked so hard for four years, two more weeks is nothing.
  2. Try hard to pass all your finals and final projects.. I’m pretty sure everyone would want to finish off their high school career feeling good and there is no better feeling than passing all your classes!
  3. BE NICE TO EVERYONE! You never know what can happen and its good to leave high school drama free.

Hope you enjoyed :)

