Most Popular Types of Videos

Puma Weekly News & Culture
3 min readJan 10, 2017
  1. Vlogs:
  • What is the purpose of the show? A vlog is a journalistic video documentation on the web of a person’s life, thoughts, opinions, and interests.
  • Who is its target audience? The target audience is anyone who basically wants to know about the bloggers life.
  • How does the show satisfy the audience’s need/s? The vlogs just tells them what they do with their lives and some history and facts about them selves.
  • What do the producers use to keep viewers engaged? The producers edit their own videos to get it going and make it more creative , they also can relate to their viewers in some way.
  • How could this type of show be replicated on a broadcast on Puma News? A type of vlog can be replicated if another person has the same interest as the other person or some similar interest.

2. Haul Videos:

  • What is the purpose of the show? Hual videos purpose is to show the viewers or fans the products, clothing shoes or anything they buy. They also talk about their description, how much it cost and where they bought the object from.
  • Who is its target audience? The target audience is mostly towards woman because the woman always want to show what they buy.
  • How does the show satisfy the audience’s need/s? The show satisfy the audience’s needs by providing information about the things they bought.
  • What do the producers use to keep viewers engaged? Sometimes the show give some time of giveaway that the viewers can do to earn some type of prize .
  • How could this type of show be replicated on a broadcast on Puma News? This video can be replicated by just buying anything and describe it.

3. Product Review Videos:

  • What is the purpose of the show? To show how what the product is and If it actually works.
  • Who is its target audience? The target audience is anyone who wants to find how the products works and what it does.
  • How does the show satisfy the audience’s need/s? They satisfy the audience by trying the product on .
  • What do the producers use to keep viewers engaged? They keep the viewers engaged by close up shots of what the products is doing.
  • How could this type of show be replicated on a broadcast on Puma News? This video can be replicated by buying a product and testing it out.

4. Memes/Tag Videos:

  • What is the purpose of the show? To get viewers to laugh and comment
  • Who is its target audience?The audience is anyone
  • How does the show satisfy the audience’s need/s? They add a sentence that is funny and sometimes that does not make sense.
  • What do the producers use to keep viewers engaged? They use and edit pictures of people and sometimes cartoons.
  • How could this type of show be replicated on a broadcast on Puma News? This show can be replicated by using a picture and then adding a sentence or two that will make the viewers laugh about the picture. To think outside of the box.

5. How-to-videos:

  • What is the purpose of the show? The purpose of a How-to-video is to show the viewers how to do something, like how to fold, how to do this and that.
  • Who is its target audience? The target audience is anyone who wants/needs to learn how to do it or does not have an idea of what to do or how to do it.
  • How does the show satisfy the audience’s need/s? The show satisfy the audience by explaining it more briefly.
  • What do the producers use to keep viewers engaged? The show keep sthe viewers more engaged by giving it a subtitle and also repeating it again.
  • How could this type of show be replicated on a broadcast on Puma News? This how can be replicated by creating your own how to video.

