Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readNov 9, 2016


Our society today has been filled with many good and bad deeds by police officers. Police officers are supposed to protect and serve the community but lately they have been nothing but the criminals themselves. Are these officers actually doing their jobs? All these unjustified shootings, severe beatings, and rough treatment has lead to nothing in the search for equality. Major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit, and San Francisco experience this everyday. I may not have too much experience with this but Americans of any race can become victims, but statistics show that 87% of incidents involve a white officer and an African American male. A perfect example of this is the Trayvon Martin case. He was just an innocent seventeen year old with a hood on when his life was ended. He was gunned down by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. Although Zimmerman was not a police officer he was apart of a community watch program and was not authorized to have a gun. Other incidents of police brutality include the shooting at the Fruitvale Bart station in Oakland and the unlawful beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles. We as a community need to step up and make a stand against violence. We need to create an end to all this hate and appreciate each other. This brutality needs to stop and it will start by us.


