Race is an Excuse

Yvone Lee
Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readNov 9, 2016

A problem in society that should be addressed is racism. Everyday, there is always at least one person who is discriminated based off of their race and appearance. Society portrays white people as the dominant race, being rich and privileged; Whereas, the black community is seen as dangerous and gang-related. On the other hand, the Asian community is seen as illiterate individuals, and the Latino community are seen as aliens.

Society judges a whole community based off of a few people in that group and only talks about the negative aspects. Although these communities have their problems, they all have positive aspects that should be brought up and acknowledged. Why should someone be judged based off of their color or looks? They shouldn’t be judged they way they are, everyone should be given an equal opportunity to express who they are. If the white community can walk around and not be called dangerous, illiterate, or aliens, then the other communities should be able to do the same. I have been discriminated against for being Asian-American, I have been called illiterate and have been made fun of because of how I looked. Asians have the expectation of being smart and straight A students, but in reality, it does not matter what race you are, your performance in what you do is based off of your personality and abilities and how you choose to handle situations.

