Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readJan 15, 2016


“Save it for rainy day.” That’s my motto. When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank, I always put it in the bank. I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education, travel, and unforeseen emergencies. I need to have money set aside for these expenses.

Education is expensive. I can’t depend on my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, room and board, books, and incidental expenses to pay for. I’ll try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs, but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses. If I spend my money now, I won’t be able to pay for my education. I need to save money for my education.

Travel is also very expensive. Travelling around the world like Korea, Thailand has been my dream since I was little, so I need to save money for these trips.

Emergencies could arrive at any moment. I might have an unexpected illness while I am at school. There might be costs that won’t covered by the school insurance. One of my family members may need help, I will have to send them money. You can’t predict emergencies like this, but you can be prepared. I need to save money for these emergencies.

When you are not rich, you cannot spend your money carelessly. You must plan ahead. I know in my life, I will have expenses for my schooling and for travelling . I know that I will also have unexpected expenses related to unforeseen emergencies. I must be prepared. I need to save money for these events. So for my personal, I think it is a GOOD habit to save moneys from now. :)

