
Ruihao Zhu
Puma Weekly News & Culture
1 min readDec 13, 2016

November 15, 2013. In San Francisco, thousands of people work together to make a wish of a child come truth. Miles Scott, a kid that is facing life threatening medical condition, and wish to become a superhero to help the bay area. At first, miles and his parents do not think that this will become such a big event in San Francisco. The strategy this campaign used are first, befor the event, they created a twitter account, and writes about all the information in a easy understanding way to catch people. Thanks to social network, miles story spread very fast in Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. They also got a video by the president Obama, and first lady. More, and more people volunteer to help, add their voices, and helps this kid’s wish. Celebrities are also involved, and acted in the Batkid story. During the event, they have photographer all the time, posting in the twitter to update the story. At the last, the official #SFBatkid and the unofficial #batkid hashtags, generating over 1.7 billion impressions. Social media has lost of benefits, such as you do not need to cost lots of money, you can build relationship with any individual, and attract more consumers.

