Social Justice Narrative- Adult-ism

Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readDec 1, 2016

It was a hot sunny day. I have been notified by one of my teacher that it was the last day to make up our school ID pictures. The only time they were going to take it was during lunch. So I made a plan in my head that I would go take my picture first, then come back to get lunch. Because I had a feeling the long was going to be long. So I waited till lunch.

As my fourth period came to an end and it was lunch time. I hurried up to the auditorium where the pictures would be taken. As I got there, there was like 10–13 kids in line and I was the 11th one in line. There was only one photographer, so it went slow. I waited in line for almost 10 minutes. And the line was getting bigger and bigger. I wanted to get lunch before the cafeteria closes up.

As I got in the front of the line I was one person behind to get my picture taken when three female teachers came and talked to the photographer. Next thing I know the photographer forgot about us and took those teachers ID pictures , while we are waiting in line. I got mad because I waited in line for 13 minutes. I was hungry and it was hot. Right there I felt like ripping those teachers eyes out. But! I chose not to.

I just stood there calming myself down waiting for the photographer to finish taking the teachers picture, so I can take my picture. That is when I figured out that was adult-ism. I was frustrated by I stood my ground. I have experienced a lot of adult-ism in my life. But this one was one that actually woke me up. And had to stop and think for a second.

