Social Media Campaign

Yvone Lee
2 min readFeb 15, 2017


Topic: President Trump’s Immigration Ban

Keywords: #MuslimBan, refugees, deportation, immigration, etc.


People are saying that this ban is unfair and ignorant and some are agreeing with this ban. It’s a mixture of both negative and positive, depending on how you look at it.


The feedback has been anger, majority. This campaign/ decision has created rage across the nation, not just in the United States.


People are questioning whether or not this will affect those currently living in the states. There’s questions and concerns about if this will bring racism on another level.


Majority of social media websites are connected to this subject, including sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, which many use. News sites are heavily involved in this.

Pain points:

The big message is trust issues and ignorance beyond a certain extent. It is understandable to worry and keep danger out from the people, but it is not right to restrict and oppress those who have gone through the documentation process already. It is wrong to take away parents from their children. The critique is that this is overboard, but even with the public’s complaints, it will not be changed.


Black lives matter is a great campaign related to this. Their purpose is to raise awareness and action to a a group of people who are being oppressed.


I discovered that things happening in the United States heavily affect other countries opinions and actions towards one another. Trust can definitely be burned down over one matter.



Press opportunities:

It’s 50/50, some are angry, some are happy with the decision.


The influencers are the people, we are the ones who can make the point louder. We can argue against this policy or let it be.

