Stressing Over Prom?? Read this!!

Rani Zhu
Puma Weekly News & Culture
3 min readApr 11, 2016

It’s almost that time of the year again, time for….prom! Prom is one of those unforgettable high school memories, because well, it’s prom. It’s a tradition of American high schools, so make it worth remembering for the rest of your life! It’s your time to show off and just let loose because it’s another reminder that you are graduating very soon, and that the whole high school chapter of your life will be coming to an end. So yeah, prom is a BIG deal! I know you girls out there have to deal with the stress of finding a makeup artist, hair stylist, dress, limo, corsage, and the perfect date, so do it right! That is why I’m here to write this article, to make sure you all make the best of your prom and have no regrets!

Here is just a basic checklist of everything you will need to prepare for:

  • Dress
  • Shoes
  • Makeup
  • Hair appointment
  • Nails
  • Prom tickets
  • Dinner reservations
  • Limo or Ride
  • Boutonniere for your date
  • Jewelry

A few tips for you girls out there:

  1. Start saving money.
  • Tickets are NOT cheap, especially if you are paying for your date as well

2. Shop for and buy your prom dress

  • Start early!! It takes time to get it fitted and tailored too

3. Start taking extra care of yourself.

  • Exfoliate your skin and make sure to not eat too many fried or greasy foods that will make you break out
  • If you want your hair to grow out, take Biotin supplements. Not only does it promote hair-growth, it helps grow your nails too, and it also speeds up your metabolism.

4. Get tickets for you and your date if you have one

  • Make sure to discuss whether you and your date will be paying for yourselves or if one person will pay for both tickets

5. Start looking at hair and makeup looks

  • If you’re DIYing your own hair and makeup, start looking at tutorials
  • If you want to get it professionally done, make sure to schedule appointments in advance, as Mac and Sephora are often completely booked around prom

6. Make plans with your prom group for before and after prom

  • This includes prom pictures, dinner plans, and after parties

7. Make all the necessary changes to your prom dress.

  • Have it lengthened or shortened, tailored to fit, etc.

8. Start breaking in your shoes

  • Do this by wearing them with thick socks and casually wear them around the house

9. Order a boutonniere and corsage from the local florist.

  • Get it so that your corsage matches the boutonniere or dress

10. Get your nails did!

  • Or do them yourself!

11. Shave your legs.

  • Treat yourself and buy a nice razor and use the thickest body cream you own to moisturize.

12. Head out and have fun!

  • All of the time you spent preparing for this is finally gonna pay off! You deserve this night of fun, don’t stress about a damn thing.

Are you guys still stressing over prom? Well don’t fret! If you follow this guide, you’ll be fine! For you seniors out there, I didn’t write this article for you to Netflix and chill on prom night, so go buy your tickets and have fun!

