Teens with the Privilege to Drive

Beverly Chen
Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readFeb 24, 2016
Ron Chapple, Getty Image

Driving is not something that you can just do, it is a privilege, especially for teenagers who are known to be more prone to accidents. In the past decade to this day, accidents due to teenage driving occur more often than not.

Just a few days ago there was a fatal hit and run accident and the driver that ran away has been identified as a 19 year old woman. During the incident, the teen lost control of her car and it rolled on the freeway. She then proceeded to roll the car onto its roof and fled the scene with her six passengers after they all got out, leaving the car on the right shoulder of the road. While the driver and five of her passengers were found and detained, the last passenger was struck and killed as he ran alongside the highway.

There are many different things that are wrong with this incident.

  1. Everyone in the car ran away
  2. They just left the car blocking the road
  3. The driver is not yet of age but she was driving under the influence

Driving is not something that you can take lightly, especially if you have passengers in the car. I just hope that teens as well as my peers since we are all at that age to want to get our or already have our licenses know that you have to earn the privilege of being able to drive. People should also learn to take responsibility for their actions. Running away is not always the best solution because there is always the possibility that your problems can catch up to you. Driving might feel like playing Mario Kart in real life but it is in no way a game.


