⚠ Things to do Before Heading Off to College

Lisa Zhang
Puma Weekly News & Culture
4 min readApr 11, 2016

Not sure what you are suppose to do during the summer right before you head of to college?

— No worries. Continue reading this article to find out ways on how you can get ready for college so you can feel more confident and relaxed the moment you step through those campus doors.

It is an exciting time of the year when you are about to graduate high school and have summer all to yourself. The college countdown has officially began and you have no idea what you should be doing to prepare for college. It is extremely important to use the time that you have instead of hitting the beach and waiting until the very last minute to get ready. With just a blink of an eye, summer would be over and you will be in college. Crazy huh? No need to freak out because this article will help give you a head start and guide you through the basics of what you need to do and bring before you start your college life.

Here is that you will need to do:

As you are going down the list, make sure you check all the thinks you already have.

☑ Create a checklist

If you are deciding to live on campus, creating a checklist of what you need to buy and bring is always important. This can help better prepare you and reduce the amount of stress you will have when school starts. Don’t forget to buy some crucial dorm accessories!

✎ Sign Up for and Attend Orientation

Introduce yourself and try to make friends.

Make sure to stay updated with the school because there will most likely be mandatory meetings and orientations that you will have to attend. — What if I don’t want to go? It is highly recommended to attend because these meetings are specifically organized for incoming freshman to discuss classes and majors with academic advisers, to register for classes (if you haven’t already), and to learn about other campus resources. Along the way, try to meet new friends because they will help you get through your 4+ years in college!

🏫 Register for Fall Classes as Early as Possible

Don’t slack off because you will end up having a lot of regrets.

As soon as you find out when you can register for classes, make sure not to wait until the very last minute to do it. Try registering as quickly as possible because there are a couple of advantages for registering early. Some advantages include:

  • You will have higher chances of getting into your top choices. Basic required freshman classes and popular electives fill up pretty quickly!
  • After finding out which classes you have been admitted to, you get to have a head start on which textbooks you will need to purchase. This is often an advantage because sometimes you might just get lucky and call dibs on a textbook that is extremely cheaper than the others.

💰 Learn Some Life Skills

It is time to be independent.

You cannot always expect your parents to be by your side to take care of you. Now is your chance to develop some life skills that are necessary for you when living away from your family.

— Learn how to: manage your own finances, do your laundry, cook consistent meals, etc.

👀 Get familiar with your college campus and town

Explore the library on campus.

Now is the time to check out your campus. Take a tour around the building. Go around and get familiar with the new neighborhood. Whether you memorize your new home’s public transportation system or write down a list of yummy restaurants, knowing the basics will prevent a typical clueless freshman moment.

Of course there are more, but these are just only some of the important things that caught my eye as I was researching about this idea. If you would like more guidance, please refer to the links below.

See more at:

— Glenn, Walter. “Everything You Need to Do the Summer Before College: A Checklist.” Lifehacker. Lifehacker, 13 May 2015. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. <http://lifehacker.com/everything-you-need-to-do-the-summer-before-college-a-1704012158>.

— Fortenbury, Jon. “12 Things You Have to Do before Going off to College.”USA TODAY College. USA Today, 06 Aug. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2016. <http://college.usatoday.com/2014/08/06/12-things-you-have-to-do-before-going-off-to-college/>.

