Today’s Music is horrible like for example Hip hop. I am born around hip hop and R&B music, but now a days its different a lot more profanity and sexual content especially in the videos. Men rapping about money and females being Hoes and bitches and having sex,violence It’s not appropriate for kids to listening too. Not to say that music should be all about love and peace and A,B,C’s; but it should be appropriate for kids to listen also, not make woman feel disrespected and not talk about shooting or robbing the next person. My generation thinks its cool to talk about stuff like that but its not it’s really disturbing now a days people judge off what we do and music we listen to especially African Americans. I’m not going to lie i do listen to songs that’s not good for me to be listening to because i love the beat of it but i’m going to change my whole style of music because i don’t want my kids to be listening to something i wouldn’t listen to, But i think people should really think about the music they listen to and how it affects other people even if its not directly directed towards them it makes them feel uncomfortable.