Aimee Rasalan
1 min readJan 15, 2016

Your Guide to Writing Ironclad Financial New Year’s Resolutions

A new year can mean a fresh start in many’s life. This year, 2016, many people are challenging themselves in making financial resolutions this year than last year. The most popular resolutions mentioned were related to saving up money. In the article, Your Guide to Writing Ironclad Financial New Year’s Resolutions by Kimberly Palmer, the goal setting experts said that you can achieve your goal as long as you are dedicated and have an action plan you can follow. I agree to this because starting into a short term goal can lead you to achieving your goal. You could start by spending less outside, instead do home cooked meals. You also need to educate yourself and surround yourself with open minded people who have goals so you will have motivation. You could also start by creating a financial plan, reminding and asking yourself why you’re doing it. What is your goal and what is important in your life.These steps are very helpful to me because it inspires me to save up this year which I should have done a long time ago.

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