
Puma Weekly News & Culture
2 min readJan 10, 2017

Youtube has a variety of videos and someone has made a list of the 13 most popular type of videos and I don’t agree with it. Honestly, haul videos and Q&A? Seriously? Who even watches those? …Whatever. Here’s my top 5:

  1. How-to Videos: This is, in my opinion, the most popular and used. Not only does it teach you how to do…anything really, it caters to a wider range of users. You see, there is a bunch of people out there, who don’t live and breathe Youtube. They actually have a life. Normally they wouldn’t be surfing the tube, but they might come across a problem that requires instruction and they’ll search the web and the one of the first things that pop up would be youtube videos.

Lil bro is my personal egg chef, so I prolly don’t need this, but eh.. Eggs are always gooooooooooood

2. Music: This includes music videos, original songs, covers, and stuff that is probably pirated content, but \(-3-)/ hey~ Youtube is like the library of songs and there is like a sh*t ton of them. Like seriously a lot, and there’s new content everyday. Original songs + covers + song with lyrics + instrumentals + music videos, etc.

I…am going to play this again and again till I get sick of it and find something new.

3. Gaming videos: This category of videos is hella easy to make and if you have a good enough play style or personality, you can make a pretty big fanbase and that’s why lots of people do it, which means there’s lot of these videos. My little bro watches these. Constantly. He watches people play Minecraft or Shellshock or something. I might watch gaming videos, but that’s only to use as a walkthrough when I get stuck. (Oh wait, that’s niconico, not youtube…Oh well)

Once in while, I’ll hear someone scream (seriously though, how is minecraft scary? it’s just a bunch of cubes!) or someone with a squeaky/annoying voice and I’ll just UUUUAAHHHH! …I’m pretty picky about my voices.

4. Reviews: I’m pretty careful with my money, so I don’t want to carelessly buy something without really making sure it’s the RIGHT one and I’m sure many people are the same. I have to admit, there’s a lot of them out there, for prolly most things that you would buy, and that makes it easy to compare.

No, I don’t actually want an iphone. In fact, the one I have now sucks.

5. Comedy/skit: I think these are pretty popular. Not only are they original, they are pretty funny and thus, attracts a lot of attention. In this day in age, we share everything, and that includes, funny videos. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s how these videos become popular, because you aren’t supposed to actively search for these. They don’t have a direct purpose like the ones above. They’re just there to entertain you. The funnier the video, the more likely it gets shared and so it has.

=D …

