Convert flowed-project to TypeScript

Mr. Leo
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2019
From Flow to TypeScript. Image source: internet

Why Typescript?

First, I do not recommend everyone to move to TypeScript. Who's being happy with Flow, it’s fine. I used Flow for my projects for a while and it’s still a powerful tool for type checking to prevent human mistake while developing process.

The main reason is that I want to give TypeScript a shot for my side project, it’s a trend for style checking now. TypeScript has team support behind, not like Flow and more tools or projects already integrated TypeScript nowaday: Angular, React, Vue, Babel 7, etc.

TypeScript trend by stateofjs

Handle Project

You can find my public project here and the pull request I made from flow-to-typescript branch as well to see what I changed clearly. I created from create-react-app (CRA) version 1.5 and I applied Flow type for it in the beginning. Now I’ll try to notes what I have done when converting my project from Flow to TypeScript.

Install TypeScript

First, we need to install typescript library and its dependencies

$ npm install --save-dev typescript @types/node @types/react @types/react-dom @types/react-router-dom @types/jest @types/moment @types/webpack-env

Configuration File

Second, we’ll create a configuration file name tsconfig.jsonfor TypeScript in our root project folder.

I already comment options in configuration files. You can find more in the official document.

Update File Names

Next stuff is we need to convert all file *.js to *.tsx for React Component (including test file for React component), or to *.ts for utility or support files.

Remove all // @flow annotations in which files we used it before.

Update Babel Configuration

Please note here, I have to update module-resolver configuration a little bit to work with import relative modules. In the past, when I worked with Flow, I only need to define module-resolver configuration such as "root": ["./src"] and it worked fine with relative path import. However, with TypeScript, I have to declare every relative path I use in project, and it have to be the same as baseUrl and paths in TypeScript configuration file above.

Adapt TypeScript Checker

From this step, everything I need to do is adapt type in my code to pass TypeScript checker.

We can add one more script, for example, typescript in package.json so that we can run TypeScript checking before we run unit test.


I’ll take note some experience when working with TypeScript the first time.

Prefer Interface to Type

According to my friend recommend, I use interface instead of type. You can research more about interface vs type topics, for example this one



Moment Type



Non-null assertion operator

This is a new concept when I work with TypeScript. It tells the compiler that our object is not null. Let see an example:



Notice that we update lots.toFixed(3) in Flow type to lots!.toFixed(3) .

I’m a beginner TypeScript and surely I have a large room to improve. Hopefully, my very first experience with TypeScript can help someone out there who wanna give TypeScript a shot.

Don’t hesitate to clap if you considered this a worthwhile read!

~ Happy coding with Mr. Leo ~



Mr. Leo
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