GatsbyJS Series — Configure useful plugins and organize project (Part 2)

Mr. Leo
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2019

Welcome to part 2 of GatsbyJS series. In this post, we’ll set up some common plugins/libraries that helps a lot for one Gatsby project successfully. Including:

  • Typescript
  • Styled-component
  • Typography
  • Relative import

Working with Typescript

This section demonstrates how we can integrate GatsbyJS with the most popular checker: Typescript.

Gatsby has a plugin resource page that we can find very useful plugins for our site with well-written documents. For example, in case we want to integrate Typescript into our project, install gatsby-plugin-typescript

yarn add gatsby-plugin-typescript

And Typescript, tslint dependencies as well

yarn add -D tslint tslint-config-prettier tslint-react typescript

Include plugin to our gatsby-config.js file.

Note: that gatsby-config.js is the place Gatsby engine will read all our project configurations. Gatsby can’t understand or can’t use one plugin if it’s only installed by package manager package.json file.

In case packages don’t ship with Typescript definitions, we’ll need to manually install those type definitions, e.g for React.

yarn add -D @types/react @types/react-dom @types/node

Now we’ll try to rename src/pages/index.js to src/pages/index.tsx and restart Gatsby server.

Our blog is still working after integrating with Typescript

Create basic rules with tslint

Because we’re using typescript, so let’s setup some basic rules with tslint configuration.

Create tslint.json at root folder of project:


Similarly, create tsconfig.json at root folder:


Working with relative import

If you notice on our above example tsconfig.json, we’re using relative import. However, we have to setup gatsby-config.js as well in order to make relative import working.

Install small plugin names gatsby-plugin-alias-imports

yarn add gatsby-plugin-alias-imports



The result we get is that instead of import SomethingComponent from '../../Something' we can import import SomethingComponent from '@components/Something

Working with styled-components

Styled-components helps me a lot when working with CSS in React project. I don’t need to bother about CSS name collision and can treat CSS style as React component as well. Sound great, right?

We’ll install styled-component for Gatsby by the following instruction from their official document:

yarn add gatsby-plugin-styled-components styled-components
yarn add -D @types/styled-components

Add styled-components to gatsby-config.js

Update src/pages/index.tsx content file to make sure our integration working correctly:

Update text color to red

Check the result:

Working with styled-components

Working with Typography.js

We’ll see typography.js is frequently used in GatsbyJS project. Typography is a complex system of interrelated styles. For me, it’s hard to take care too much about typography details in the beginning when building a blog. Thanks for Kyle A Mathews, the author of topography.js library. He defines typography collection (themes) that we can playground here first in order to select a suitable typography type for our blog.

Maybe we can have another article to talk more about this library. In this series scope, we’ll go directly to how to use the library with Gatsby.

Install typography

Now we’ll instally typography and gatsby-typography plugin, along with typography-theme-alton as a theme for our blog.

yarn add typography gatsby-plugin-typography react-typography typography-theme-alton

Install typescript definition for typography as well

yarn add -D @types/typography

Create a new file src/utils/typography.js with the following content:


Because of the plugin typography-theme-alton doesn’t provide typescript definition, so we’ll add declare module manually for it.

Create a new file src/declarations.d.ts with this content:


Next, we’ll add typography plugin to gatsby-config.js


Ok, we’ll restyle our home page component a bit in order to verify whether typography works correctly or not (restart Gatsby server if needed):

Working with typography.js perfectly



yarn add typeface-montserrat typeface-merriweather

Create gatsby-browser.js at root folder and add content:


Web manifest

The web app manifest allows users to add our site to their home screen on most mobile browsers. The manifest provides configuration and icons to the phone.

yarn add gatsby-plugin-manifest

Add manifest configuration to gatsby-config.js


For the icon, let’s find a temporary icon for now. In this example, we’re using gatsby icon as default.


Offline support

Adds drop-in support for making a Gatsby site work offline and more resistant to bad network connections. It creates a service worker for the site and loads the service worker into the client.

yarn add gatsby-plugin-offline

List this plugin into gatsby-config.js . However, please note that this plugin should be placed after gatsby-plugin-manifest so the manifest file can be included in the service worker.



So far so good. We’ve done a lot of basic configuration for Gatsby project. Time to commit our code and push to master .

Waiting few minutes for Netlify help to deploy our site and check it again.

Working perfectly!

We’ll meet again in the next part to layout our blog with mocked data together.



Mr. Leo
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