The Native Setup

Posted March 20, 2013

Seif Sallam
Mr. Moleskine
1 min readAug 21, 2015


I’m just a designer, but some stuff happened that resulted in me developing a whole REST API in Ruby on Rails. It was the first time for me to use Ruby but thanks to Rails community and Gems I learned fast and did something decent in no time.

Anyway I just want to share technologies we are currently using.

Server Setup

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Latest Nginx from Ubuntu
  • rbenv: To manage rubies for projects
  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • Rails 3.2.11
  • Redis: Used by Resque for background jobs

Rails Gems

  • Mongoid for mongodb
  • Devise for authentication and oAuth
  • RABL for formatting JSON responses
  • HTTParty for sending push notifications to pushbots
  • SendGrid for sending emails
  • Paperclip + for uploading attachments and sending them to Amazon S3
  • NewRelic for application monitoring
  • Mina for deployment, a lot smoother that Capistrano
  • Foreman for process management
  • Unicorn for running application server.
  • Resque for background jobs

Local Tips

  • Anvil. A utility for mac that allows you to drag any rails application and it will keep running and can be accessed via
  • Genghis. An awesome tool for connecting to MongoDB. You can even set it up on the server to be accessed from any web browser.

Have something to say? Lets discuss it on Twitter, I’m @seifsallam.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Originally published at

