The new MacBook Pro is gorgeous

3 min readNov 6, 2016

On wednesday I received my new 13" MacBook Pro — yes, without the Touch Bar. But that’s ok. Seriously.

This is the third MacBook I own since 2008. That year I switched to Apple in any way I could. iPod, iPhone, MacBook and never looked back since.

The second MacBook I had is currently lying next to me, with a completely fresh install of macOS, waiting for it’s new owner: my girlfriend. I had this MacBook since 2011 and never had any issue with it. Not even once. Power wise it is even better equipped then my new one but still has a much slower HD installed. We might switch to a SSD soon.

So, 2016 — about time for a new MacBook. I hesitated a bit when looking at the pricing here in Germany. 1700€ for the entry model without the Touch Bar and without any further additions like a bigger SSD or more memory. Way too overpriced. Yet, I bought one. But I don’t regret it. And I don’t regret getting one without the Touch Bar… I just don’t see any need for me.

One of the main selling points for me was space grey. The basic aluminium kind of started to look boring over all those years. I even thought about getting a 12" MacBook last year because of the space grey model.


The obvious downside is the fact, that you have to buy at least a USB-C to USB-A type…




I own a small web agency @stellaprojects and run side-projects at @ivymayhem. Based in Hamburg, Germany.