Is Cryptocurrency Bubble hurting the innovations that actually matter?

Hamad Baloch Rakshani
Mr. Old School
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2018

Some of you old enough to remember mid-90’s might remember the dot com bubble. It was a crazy time to be alive in, everyone was trying to put a footprint on the internet. Most, blogs were simple HTML websites, which were updated weekly by inserting more tags and texts and CSS in its source code.

I for one, also tried to have one on 000webhost. It had its own essence to it, everyone trying to own something. It was then, when people actually started making profit out of small startups. Many failed miserably, many were scams, and many profited so much that they invested in companies which are tech giants today. Elon Musk is a prime example of people who profited from dot com bubble before it burst into thin air. Jeff Bezos, one of top richest people also made something which might just changed the way people buy stuff.

60 minutes 1999

So, these are the boys who made it. And there were several ones who couldn’t. I found this interesting article over mashable a few days back.

Along rapid developments, there were times when media and even skilled developers left everything and shifted to making website. It was a profitable business for IT solutions provider of course. But, if one looks at it now — people stopped innovating on the stuff that really mattered.

Now I am not saying, all that wasn’t worth it. What, should be accepted is that most companies opted in for websites for a short time profit. Amazon and Paypal are exceptions, they really wanted to make a change.

Crypto Bubble

Today, as I was working in office. Someone shouted, “JesusCoin — Decentralizing Jesus on the Blockchain”. At first skeptic over its legitimacy, then having a little laugh.

I came to realize, that this whole crypto-currency development might just be the like dot com bubble we saw in 1999.

All the same patterns, and interest of young people and developers being shift. It’s not bad, but it is not good either. Ethereum, ripple and bitcoin may still survive. Since, it has a long-term plan. However, scams and joke coins may not survive the burst that is coming sooner or later.

Not Crypto Then What?

I have seen, people asking this is the future, we need more coins. Well, it might play a part in our future. But it is not the future. Technology is getting better, some of the important things for people to focus on can be Machine Learning, AI, Virtual Reality, and our very own innovations in programming languages.

Forking a coin and setting it according one’s need is an easy and might be useless thing. Unless your boss told you to, however, if you may, you should also focus on polishing your skills on other fields. Who knows what Skynet might do to us in future.

CIAO! If you have ideas to share please do. Or if you agree or disagree, comment that down below too.


Blockchain is one of the crucial invention human race ever witnessed, this article is not against or in support of cryptocurrency. The reason to write this was for reader to know what is important and what is just a scam.



Hamad Baloch Rakshani
Mr. Old School

Leads a pack of engineers 🐺 | Legend | Recently dabbled in Management and DevOps 💻 | Movie junkie & 2-books-a-year nerd.