The Baloch Dilemma

Hamad Baloch Rakshani
Mr. Old School
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2023

The image above captures the essence of a Baloch boy’s life, a life intricately woven with the threads of history and tradition. If you delve into the annals of time, you’ll find that his forefathers faced adversaries like the Sassanian, the Abbasid, and the British Empire, standing resilient to protect both land and identity. The sacrifices endured by generations echo through the boy’s modest dwelling, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Baloch people.

Encountering a Baloch Nomad reveals a culture deeply rooted in hospitality. This child, armed with little more than a jerrycan of water, possesses the ability to prepare a meal, generously sharing from his own herd of lambs. This hospitality isn’t merely a product of religious influence but a reflection of the ancient Baloch tribal code — a code that welcomed even those who once sought conquest.

The richness of Balochistan, both in its land and people, is profound. It has served as a cradle for civilizations like Mehrghar and stood in close proximity to Moen-jo-daro. The communal sharing of food after a harvest, the election of a Chieftain responsible for the tribe’s well-being — these are the threads that weave the intricate tapestry of Baloch tribal society.

As I explore the history, I am confronted with misrepresentations that have plagued the Baloch people. From thwarted Mongol incursions to the era of British colonialism, these narratives have reduced the rich cultural tapestry of the Balochs to simplistic labels of brutality and barbarism. My quest to unravel the truth behind the Baloch identity seeks to dispel these stereotypes and unearth the authentic story that lies beneath the layers of historical bias.

In essence, the Baloch boy in the photograph isn’t just the owner of land; he is a custodian of a heritage that has been served, prayed upon, and thanked by millions. Balochistan, named after its people, is a land that resonates with warmth and welcomes all, but as with any legacy, it comes at a cost.

A cost every generation of Baloch has paid. Men, Women, children and elders. I grew up listening the stories of the great Balach Gorgaij, Sardar Norouz Khan Zehri, Mir Hammal of Kalmat and the Warriors of Marri Tribe — who all resisted occupation for as long as they could.

Ancient history is oral, hence I will not delve more into it. However, in recent times the attack on resources of Baloch Land has doubled. Started by the British in 19th century until 20th, is still going on by their successors.

This time the attack is not merely on occupation of the resources, but on the very identity that Baloch people are so proud of. Balochs have been called a Racist society, yet Balochistan feeds diverse ethnic groups, i.e., Pashtoon, Sindhi, Jatts, African Balochs, and Seraikis. Baloch society have been called patriarchal, and yet Baloch women’s voices are the loudest when tough times dawn upon the nation. Balochs have been portrayed as barbarians, yet Baloch laws of war are one of the most strict when it comes to children and women.

Ever since early 1950s, Balochs have been subjected to a series of injustices that have scarred both individuals and the collective spirit of the community. Reports of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and systemic discrimination have become distressingly common, painting a grim picture of the challenges faced by the Baloch people.

One of the most egregious aspects of this crisis is the sheer scale of violence against Baloch activists, intellectuals, and civilians. Many have lost their lives, their voices silenced in the face of oppression. The world has remained largely indifferent to their suffering, turning a blind eye to the violation of their most fundamental human rights.

It is high time, that the people outside Balochistan raise their voice against the brutal atrocities and crimes that are being committed in the region. It is high time for the countries and organizations to recognize the Baloch struggle. It is high time to be united.



Hamad Baloch Rakshani
Mr. Old School

Leads a pack of engineers 🐺 | Legend | Recently dabbled in Management and DevOps 💻 | Movie junkie & 2-books-a-year nerd.