10 Successful habits for upcoming Stars!

How to unlock the mystery of Success with 10 remedies. In this era of modern technologies, everyone wants to become a successful person in their industry. Whether we belong to a lower family or a middle family. And each of us has a different meaning of success. Some people say “Simplicity is success” and some love hurdles and money. But today we are going to discuss 10 habits that I have observed to move forward on the path of becoming a good version of self. Let us start.

Mr. Plan ₿ Publication
6 min read5 days ago


The man shows loneliness towards the path of Success!
Photo by Enrico Perini


The Child is learning walking on a tree!
Photo by Oleksandr P

The fourth most important concept is knowing about things. To Learn about new things and after learning. We implement our learning on new inventions. This is best! let us take the example of kids. Whenever we enter to school. Since that day, we have started learning. We learn how to play with toys, we learn how to talk with symbols, we learn how to talk and some of us learn how to walk the first time. When a kid walks they see failures many times. They fall on floors stand up again and try to walk. There is the main concept plays a role which is “they are being persistent”. When they try each time they make new progress towards their goal of the Successful walk. They do not know the result but they keep trying. This is what I am trying to point out here. We do not need to worry about the result. If we keep trying and learning new things. We will find ourselves in a good position compared to the others who have not started yet. Even if we take examples of our legends from generating electricity to finding force’s laws. They tried to learn at their own pace. Eventually, they ended up achieving their goals. Some of us learn from physical experiences and some learn from Books. It does not matter from where we learn. The only thing that matters we learn something.



“A book is the best gift that someone can open again and again”.

This is a quote from someone great and knowledgeable person in their world. So the next topic is somewhat related to the previous one “Learning”. Reading is also one of the most favourable things for people who have become so much successful in their industry. Whether we talk about William Shakespeare in Romance and Lauren DeStefano in Fiction. We read a lot. We read short novels, we read newspapers, we read comics, we read techno books, we read literature. There are endless ways to gain knowledge from books. Some books are liked and some are not interested. It depends from person to person. I have read some lifestyle books. Some of them I understood and some of them made me blur. But in the end, I got some kind of valuable thoughts which are not replaceable like our dreams. If you have read “The Gatsby” It is also one of the best pieces in fiction. We can adopt reading. And Whenever we have time we can open our gift again and again. It will provide some irreplaceable presents to us. So Reading is precious If we improve our lifestyle


The Clock shows an example of time flows!
Photo by JESHOOTS.com

Time management is the next habit that we are going to discover today. From being rich to lower class. Everyone has this equal gift. Nature has provided each second to us equivalent. Whether we live in developing countries where the sun hides from tall buildings, and also there, where we do not see a single stone in architecture on the land. So since born, we have had time equal. Nobody can steal this gift from us. But the most important, which plays an important role is “Time Management”. It is essential to learn and invest properly our time. Once we have invested that, we cannot take it again. So being careful is best. Instead, of regretting it later. We learn by experience how much time we should invest and where. If that thing matters or not. Somebody told me there is only one difference that makes us different later in our careers and also in Life. Which is Time.


The Girl is walking on a street!
Photo by Nubia Navarro (nubikini)


“Walking alone will make you stronger than others, you will shine like the brightest star in the sky”

Even if walk for a minute, we feel some peace. Just take an example, one person is not walking. And the other one is walking in nature among trees. The person who walks we find him easier and more peaceful. He feels nature and understands things clearly from day to day. He/she observes things differently. And at some places, we know they are more creative. Eventually, they can be fit with a body this is a bonus point that is why we should steal some time for a walk from our daily routine whenever we can steal like a good thief.


I have seen some people love collecting antiques and stones from places. This adds uniqueness. We can also collect memories and remember those days. And from that, they remind the people who were being in the memories. In that way, we improve our sense of humbleness. we should not forget to collect things that matter to you something meaningful.



“Doing it again and again will make it sharp”

This applies to most things, for example, a Knife is the best example. So that knife is being rusty and not used. We can sharpen it again and again, and it will be its best version. The same thing applies to our learning. If we are not understanding some things, then we should take a break and start again. In that way, we will be at its best point. And finally, nobody can stop us from reaching our goals.


“Being alone is not a curse, it is a present as nobody will be aware of what you are on, what are you going to do”

Some of us think being alone is not good, but to be honest, If we are alone, we know ourselves better. We make our weakness stronger. In that way, nobody can know about dreams and goals. And that happens mostly If we have a bunch of people or a crowd. It is harder to complete our thing on time and make our goals. Eventually, some people can copy our ideas.


Being unique is best, comparing uniqueness with others is not good. Even every second person is copying some ideas from someone, or some previous written things. But the thing that matters most, is to mix your way of uniqueness. Let us take an example of our languages. Every language is different but the only work is what they do when we use it. We pass information to the receiver who is listening to what we are trying to explain. And once the information is passed, its work is accomplished. Does not matter what accent and what race.

Drink water:


“Being like water, drinking water are two easiest ways.”

We should drink water to be hydrated, as most of our bodies are made with water. So we are just adding some fresh drops while removing the old ones. So be hydrated.


Whenever we can, we should start saving money. If we save a coin, eventually we will have many coins after some days. To be honest, most of us do not have a single shortcut to becoming rich but If Iwe collect money like a walking turtle, we could have some amount to flex in the future. Does not matter which place you will be.


The last topic of today will be faith, put some faith in the outer world, that is how we make some connections. In this modern era, there are many hidden fakes and due to bad experiences, we forget to believe in anyone except our close ones. Being careful is best, but leaving life due to that is bad. We do not know who can help us and who can we vibe with 100 percent.

Photo by RDNE Stock project


If we follow these 10 habits we can improve ourselves. And later or sooner we will achieve something unforgettable.


